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Everything posted by OfficialThomas

  1. I am a young hobbyist and I have a 20 gallon high aquarium. I have been running it with little to no fish (mystery snails) in it for a few months testing water every 2 weeks or so. My hardscape consists of pieces of dragon stone and spiderwood. I want to get into live plants but I don't want to break the bank and I don't really want to fill my aquarium with so many plants. Eventually I want to have these fish in the tank: 10 neon tetras 10 cherry shrimp 1 dwarf gourami (or other centerpiece fish) 3 guppies 2 mystery snails (already have) Any recommendations on placement and plant types? Any other tips?
  2. Thank you so much! I have the standard aqueon versatop lid. So you think I should just dive into plants and see how they are doing and if I need to get something like a stingray that would be easy to switch to?
  3. Got it! Thank you! Can I easily switch lights later on?
  4. Got it! Thanks! I have not really thought of that. It is my first time keeping guppies. I don't really need to breed them. Like I don't want to get extra stuff so they breed but if they breed that's fine by me!
  5. I have a 20 gallon high tank (cycled) and I am thinking of getting the below fish for a community tank. I have spider wood and dragon stone and at some point want to add live plants. Which fish would you recommend for me to get first (I would rather not get them all at once)? Is this to many fish for my tank size? 10 neon tetras 10 cherry shrimp - I DON'T have live plants yet 1 dwarf gourami (or other centerpiece fish) 3 guppies Also is it ok to add live plants later on? Thank you so much!
  6. Perfect thanks! Great! How long would you recommend I have it on for if I wanted to get some low light to medium light plants?
  7. I eventually want to add aquarium plants to my setup and am wondering do I need to buy a special aquarium light? I looked at the light that was already on my 20 gallon aquarium (see picture). What plants (if any) would thrive with this light?
  8. I have been doing a lot of research with neon tetras. I have a 20 gallon tank (with rocks and driftwood) and I had a few questions: Do neon tetras really need lower light? I really would like to limit the amount of tannins in my aquarium. Can they live with betta fish? How so would I introduce them? Neon tetras first? Betta first? How many would you recommend to start? Can I add more later? I know these questions seem basic and trust me I have done research but I just want to hear from some other people directly. Thank you!
  9. Wow thank you so much!! But i don't need to get more gravel root tabs would feed the plants as well, right?
  10. Thank you! So beginner plants should work out fine and the depth is ok?
  11. Hi! I am thinking of starting up a planted aquarium at some point and I wanted to ask a question on gravel. I have a 20 gallon cycled aquarium with not much in it at the moment (2 mystery snails). I have 25 pounds of normal black gravel. I don't think it covers 3-4 inches. Should I add more? Is it worth all the hassle? What is the ideal amount? Is normal aquarium gravel a good option if I add root tabs for the plants that need them later? Thank you so much!
  12. Hi everyone, I have a 20 gallon long that I have had for a little more than a month. I added API quick start and moved over some decor when I set it up and let it run for a couple of days. Then I got 6 corydoras and I let it run for a few more days. I tested water daily and got mostly ( I think one day I might have got 0.25 ammonia so I did a water change) 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate, and 7 ph. I moved my betta fish over from an existing tank. Everything was fine until the corydoras starting dying one by one (I eventually moved them to a small hospital tank when there was 3). No water parameters were off and they seemed perfectly healthy except they were swimming to the surface for air (but there was 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate). I did a water change anyway. Eventually all the corydoras passed away but the betta fish was and is perfectly healthy and active. I tested my water today and I am still seeing the same parameters! I thought I should be seeing the nitrite and nitrate go up especially since I have fish in it! What's going on?! * I know I messed up the cycling process but I am looking for a way to fix this issue and get the tank fully cycled before anymore fish are added. Thank you so much, Thomas
  13. Would Hikari Sinking Wafers (not the same as algae wafers) be a better option?
  14. Hi! I got some corydoras a few days ago and I have started feeding them algae wafers from Hikari. Is this a good food for them? What else should I be feeding them? Thanks so much!
  15. Hi! I am somewhat new to fishkeeping but I just ordered some medication to have on hand just in case of a disease. I have a 20 gallon tank with 6 corydoras and a betta. My fish are not sick but if they ever did get sick would the corydoras be able to handle aquarium salt? If so how much should I add? Thanks so much!
  16. Hi! I am thinking of starting a 20 gallon tank and I wanted to ask about a fish combo. Would a betta and 10 harlequin rasbora live well together? What about a betta and 10 neon tetras? If anyone has some ideas please let me know! Thanks!
  17. My fish has the same bloated belly. Thanks for the help.
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