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Everything posted by RyanR

  1. I'm setting up my first quarantine tank. I only use HOB filters on my other aquariums, but for simplicity and cost I want to use a sponge filter on the QT. I already bought the filter and pump from ACO and the 10 gallon aquarium, etc. My primary use for the tank is to use the med trio when I get new fish and secondarily for treating fish I currently have. I'm going to be adding a couple of more tanks in the house and I get nervous that a new $5 fish could possibly wipe out an entire aquarium. Here's my question\dilemma. I've never setup a QT before because I don't want to break it down every time after I put fish in it. I know depending on the situation, I will have to occasionally break it down and clean it. Does anyone keep their QT running full time? If so, how do you keep it cycled so it doesn't crash when you add a few fish? I was thinking of adding one or two snails and shrimp to help a little with the bio load and they are cheap, so if something happens to them, it's not too big of a deal. Any thoughts or suggestions or am I completely off base with wanting to keep it running full time? Ryan
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