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  1. I realize I'm asking a goofy question 🙋🏻‍♂️but when I receive the Brineshrimp Eggs am I supposed to pour the eggs into the can? or is it just packaging? AC doesn't seem give me impression they are going to send a needless can but its either the can or the ziplock package the eggs arrive in 🤷🏻‍♂️. What is the best way to store the eggs? I don't use much on a weekly basis. Thanks!
  2. They came from a local breeder or importer via mail. There was no wasting away that I could see but I did add a couple of fish a few days prior without a quarantine?
  3. Thank you sir! I appreciate you sharing your experience. Its so sad so see fish just get decimated so quickly. I learned my lesson this (2nd) time@and am setting up a quarantine tank now. I do keep the tank at about 75 just to get the info in there and answer your question. Thanks again for your help
  4. Sincere appreciation for the responses! Yes Celestial Peal Danios. I'm really struggling with the parameter idea. 🤷🏻‍♂️Ammonia ->Nitrate were all zero and did weekly 30%ish water changes. PH is around 7.6 which is higher than they would like but they thrived for 3 months in this water. It is interesting that the only survivor is a baby born in the tank and today I also found what I think is a fry CPD. I don't think much in the way of parameters changed. 🤷‍♂️ I found the one at a time die off is really common with CPDs while trying research the problem but not really a solid consensus on the cause?
  5. Over the past week or so I have lost all but one CPD. Every day one or two would die. I did the med trio on the entire tank and they kept dying all week. I continued to feed normally half the week. This morning I fed the two that are left with my normal food, but had not been feeding recently and almost immediately the remaining adult CPD began the twitch of death and listing that was the sign I recognized all week at the sign that the fish wouldn't make it til the next day. Is it possible that my putting wet fingers in the food over a couple of months would cause it be poisonous? All other fish shrimp etc. have been fine??? I looked at the remaining food on a white plate and don't see anything obvious. I see all over the internet people loosing all their CPDs one at a time and so bummed this keeps happening to people. Thanks All! Chris
  6. Over the past week or so I have lost all but one CPD. Every day one or two would die. I did the med trio on the entire tank and they kept dying all week. I continued to feed normally half the week. This morning I fed the two that are left with my normal food, but had not been feeding recently and almost immediately the remaining adult CPD began the twitch of death and listing that was the sign I recognized all week at the sign that the fish wouldn't make it til the next day. Is it possible that my putting wet fingers in the food over a couple of months would cause it be poisonous? All other fish shrimp etc. have been fine??? I looked at the remaining food on a white plate and don't see anything obvious. I see all over the internet people loosing all their CPDs one at a time and so bummed this keeps happening to people. Thanks All! Chris
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