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Just a Pygmy Corydora

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Posts posted by Just a Pygmy Corydora

  1. It’s just some good old algae, it’s bad for sight, but most likely harmless to fish. If you don’t like it, get rid of it by scrubbing the glass with your fingers or a magnetic cleaner. 

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  2. He doesn’t eat, PH is 7, no ammonia, no nitrates, no nitrites. Temp is 77 degrees, the photo is his natural appearance as I got him from aquarium co-op and he was like that when I bought him. I have a nano sponge filter live plants, a nerite snail, and 5 Pygmy corydoras.

  3. Aurora (my male veiltail)  is sick. The water is good, the temperature is fine, I don’t know what’s wrong. He rarely eats his food, and you all know that he goes crazy about pellets normally. He rests in the bottom of the tank, only moving to get air or go to a different spot to rest. His stomach is bloated. What should I do??? Anyone who sees this, if you could reply ASAP then I would be so grateful.

  4. Apologies all, I have not been responding because Aurora was sick. The water is good, the temperature is fine, I don’t know what’s wrong. He rarely eats his food, and you all know that he goes crazy about pellets normally. He rests in the bottom of the tank, only moving to get air or go to a different spot to rest. His stomach is bloated. What should I do???

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  5. Yes they WILL eat aqua dragon/sea monkeys/brine shrimp. It is actually very good for bettas. You can grow them yourself and feed them to your betta.

  6. On 7/23/2021 at 8:36 PM, Sophie said:

    My tetras were juveniles and don't nip fins. I am keeping them in a group of eight.

    You could try and take care of the neons in a separate tank until they are adults.

  7. You could also harvest live baby brine shrimp! It’s also widely known as “sea monkeys” and you can feed baby brine shrimp to your betta fish. By the way, what’s your betta’s name? For tankmates you could add aquatic snails to your aquarium. They will eat the algae and sometimes they will also eat leftover fish food or edible debris.

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  8. First of all, NEVER feed a betta human food. Its just wrong. Second of all, you don't HAVE to get tankmates, because it would be a waste if your betta keeps eating them. And what do you mean by plastic toys? If the toy is sharp on the edges it would tear your betta's fins, getting silk plants could also work. If you don't have access to betta toys from your local LFS or pet store, you can also add driftwood to your tank if your male betta is bored. I'm pretty sure that there is an amazon web meant for china. You could also buy the following items. The first link is a zoo med floating betta log. The second link is hikari tropical betta pellets that are good for your betta, as the pellets are very nutritious. The third link is the zoo med betta hammock that is basically a leaf, but if your betta likes it, it could be its own "betta bed". Some males will even build bubble nests on them!

    If you have any other questions, be sure to go to your messages icon in the forum and contact me.






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