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Posts posted by Krakens_tanks

  1. They get like 6" correct? Cuz that's way bigger then any fish I plan on adding to my tank as I'm doing all nano fish. To bad there isn't fish rental lol

    2 minutes ago, CorydorasEthan said:

    Siamese algae eaters are terrific for green hair algae. Mine cleared it up in several days. The only downside to them is that they can get a little aggressive during feeding and with each other


  2. Looking for help on removing green hair algae in my 40g I don't yet have fish in the tank just plants. Been cutting my lights down from 8hr to 6hr a day as to make sure my plants still get plants of light. No natural light hits the tank. I know there are plenty of fish and invertebrates that can help just not sure which would be the best for me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  3. 2 hours ago, Streetwise said:

    Cool @Krakens_tanks!

    Nice addition! Turn off all the other lights and share another photo!

    If you have an iPhone, turn on the grid view, which will help you square everything up in a shot.

    Yea most definitely post a new picture when I get home. But I have a google pixel 4A 5G it has a good camera just sucks with glare.

  4. 1 hour ago, anewbie said:

    I would wait 6 to 8 weeks before adding more plants. The primary reason is to see what does and does not grow well. In the end the tank could use a little red (maybe a crypt wenditi red or bronze) or melon sword (both of these plants are easy to grow) but there are a lot of variables as to what will grow depending on water conditions and the mysteries of the stars. As a simple example I have 2 29s that sit right next to each other and one can pretty much grow anything green in abundance and the other well it just doesn't work - the primary difference is stocking but i haven't put my finger on it (both tanks are 18 months old and i've run quite a few experiments between them).


    Also as a new tank you will likely get some diatom outbreak that will last for a couple of weeks (if it has not already happened). I wouldn't panic - just wait for it to blow over.

    I actually have 6 crypt wednii in there they just small right now they in the front. But yea I'm not adding any more plants till I get the 30 black neons this week.

  5. 19 minutes ago, CalmedByFish said:

    I was just going to say that the striped rock in the back right is way cool, and then you replaced it with wood! Haha! Anyway, wherever that rock is, it's cool. 

    That's dessert stone. And it's still in there lol I'm using it as a weight to hold down the wood till I can get a slate to attach it to. I'm going to use it to build a hide on the left side after that


    • Like 1
  6. I don't have specific ones but the content I really enjoy the most are:

    1.Anything with Dean he is amazing and reminds me of my grandpa who was goofy like dean is. Especially the new fish room videos 

    2. Species spotlights. Actually looking into rams and apistos thanks to those.

    3. Live streams / post live stream videos

    4. Top 10 videos./ Stocking videos

    5. Any video where you give little hacks or tips to make things easier.

    • Like 4
  7. So excuse the cloudy water just did a water change but I took your guys advice about another piece of wood it's sorta hard to see with glare but it's there and it definitely added a lot of depth to the tank. Also looking into good background plants to fill in the back. Possibly val or foxtail.


    Will post better pictures tonight once water clears and it's nice and dark



    • Like 2
  8. Has anyone here kept these before or currently has them I would love to learn more and seems there is very little on these guys or least that I can find I wanna make sure I'm completely educated before my pair arrive in 2 weeks

    Pic from google

    download (1).jpeg

  9. 7 hours ago, darkG said:

    I have had a single one (kind of a rescue tank) together with cardinals. Maybe it's because it was alone, but I noticed that he doesn't sleep like the cardinal and ember tetras. Whenever I have checked in on the tank I found it swimming calmly mid water. 

    Really nice fish, I think. The cardinals look a little vulgar or tacky in comparison, haha!

    Right like there is beauty in the simplistically of there colors instead of super flashy bright colors. We will call it fish elegance and maturity lmfao

    • Like 2
  10. 8 hours ago, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    @JettsPapa oh I agree, I see a whole lot of color in the pics I found on the net BUT they are dark colors. Not as flashy as a brightly colored fish. I feel like those kinds of fish get more attention in the aquarium trade at times.

    Yea it's unfortunate cuz they are great fish I almost wanna collect all the fish most people over look just to show how nice they can be.

  11. So I have a buddy and I have started breeding a few live bearers and we have a few people who are intrested in purchasing them but we have never shipped fish before. We are having a small issue when trying to locate info.

    Where can we get sheets of styrofoam to line the boxes we tried amazon but still feel like we could get it cheaper and higher pack counts then 10pc of 2x2 for $48 

    Also what kind of shipping should we try to do if shipping through ups. Not sure if there is a special live animal shipping or would the standard over night shipping be good enough? We want to make sure fish stay as safe as possible.

    • Like 1
  12. So I have had a tank that was to big but not do to it's size it was my inexperience that made it to big. I was less then a year back into my fish keeping after a long break from a very mediocre attempt to keep fish and I received a 135g for free long as I resealed it. Let me tell you the idea if a tank that big was a straight adrenaline rush. I had all these ideas of grandeur.... Let's skip the long process if sealing it 3 times and waiting months to get everything set up. So there I was 135 dual sunsun canisters. Expensive lights. 8 monster fish I got for super cheap off facebook with no research into thier care instructions. And I was doing bucket water changes. Was not prepared for there level of aggression since all fish were 12" or larger.


    So like I said it was way to big a task for me at the time thankfully I also learned a lot from that tank and now could run that tank smooth and easy. I guess my point is if your asking what's to big and what's not it really comes down to what are you comfortable with both physically and skill wise I'm sure plenty of others have given great advice but that's just my 2 cents. 


    • Like 1
  13. 37 minutes ago, FishBroDyl said:

    Looking great! Can’t wait to see them all grown out and filling up the tanks with the fish you’ll be getting! 

    Bro I love you hahaha sadly I call bias cuz your my best friend lmfao but yea bro you know you get constant updates with all my tanks

  14. 31 minutes ago, Jungle Fan said:

    I like @Streetwise's suggestions, with the addition of one, or two more pieces of wood you could also create some caves for dwarf cichlids like Rams, or Apistogrammas if you should so desire. I would add some Anubias nana petite to some of the rocks, or some Bucephalandras, and a few more Cryptocoryne, or some Helanthium quadricostatus with your current Cryptocoryne wendtii, and maybe a bit more Brazilian Pennywort in the right corner. You made some very good choices, and once it all grows in you will have a very nice tank.

    With your substrate and fertilization as stated you could even grow a carpet with plants like Staurogyne repens in the foreground if you wanted. With the Christmas moss, here's a hint: shrimp are very good at keeping it clean, and algae free; I've got a mix of Amanos and Blue Velvets in my tank for that purpose, however that would eliminate the Apistos from the choice of fish, because they would in turn literally eliminate the shrimp. I'm curious to see how it will fill in but it is off to a great start. Very nice!

    So I actually have an order placed for a breeding pair of red belly acara they have such beautiful red colors and stay really small at about 2-2.5 inches so they will be great tank mates with the 30 black neons I have coming as well. I love the look of apistos but I know they can be really sensitive. I'm not to sure how the acara would do with shrimp but I do have experience breeding cherry's so that may be worth looking into thank you for the advice.

    Funny you mention carpeting plants my gf just started hers with dwarf saggitaria. She also has amazon swords and vallistaria as a back ground plant. I like the look but I'm hoping my two java fern a will really grow and fill in alot of the space along with the pennywort.

  15. 43 minutes ago, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Wow! So pretty, never even heard of them. I used to work in an animal shelter. Black cats and dogs were always the last to be adopted because they're common and didn't stand out. I feel like fish are similar, these seem to have a lot of silver- which I love. They're not flashy like Bettas for example- but I bet they are killer in a group.

    Well I guess you will find out when I have 30 in my tank in a few weeks.

  16. 1 minute ago, Streetwise said:

    I would suggest adding a large piece of wood, as well as more plants. The wood would add a more vertical element, and more plants are always a good thing!

    I have been looking into getting a taller piece of drift wood but can't seem to find one that would look right just yet. But I definitely think your right. Just wanna leave plenty of room for the fish I plan on adding in about 2 weeks

  17. Being new to planted tanks and just being inexperienced. I have kept large cichlids for years now scaling down to nano and community fish and plants it's a while new world and I'm just hoping I do it right so my plants and fish are both happy and healthy

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  18. On 3/26/2021 at 6:46 PM, JettsPapa said:

    I don't have any pictures handy, and can't take one now because the sun is shining in through the door glass onto the tank, so the reflection would be ridiculous, but they're one of my favorite fish.  I have around 15 of them in a 65 gallon tank, along with a single koi angelfish, a pair of super red bristlenose plecos, and schools of panda corys, Lake Kutubu rainbowfish, and lemon tetras.

    I really like the way their colors complement those of the rainbows and lemon tetras.

    Man I know I was going to do cardinals but stumbled upon black neons and was like why doesn't anyone talk about these they are beautiful and super hardy from what I understand.

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