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  1. That was very helpful. Thank you so so much
  2. How do I do the last sentence you’re talking about the five hour blackout Photo – period , what does that mean?
  3. Algae in water. I just left a message and I put 34 days it’s 3 to 4 days I start seeing Algae in the water
  4. After two months of changing the water every week 30%. After 34 days the water gets a little greener and greener each day I have had a little algae on the side of the tank once but mostly it seems like it’s just in the water I’ve discussed this once before and I don’t know what to do at this point I have a hang on the back filter do I need to add a sponge filter. It is a 15 gallon planted tank. It does not get the same amount of light every day at the same time. It is my granddaughter’s tank and I’m trying to care for it for them. Their mother does not want to put it on a timer because someone they know had their tank light cord melt and start smoking and it ruined the whole room and had to be repainted. So I can’t put the light on a timer. There is not light coming in from the window shining on the tank either.I still do not know if it’s green algae in the water but I believe it is, that being said do I need to cover paper around the entire tank to make it completely dark for one full week. I have about six plants in the tank that are doing well
  5. Yes, i’m watching so many videos because I really want to get into this again and enjoy it. And I’m documenting everything in my own little fish book
  6. How do I turn my photo op right on my homepage. I only started recently with this forum so all of this computer stuff is new to me . I’m learning my mistakes
  7. I used to have a tank when My kids were little, 1988. And I had fake plants a little shipwreck that bubbled. I’m watching more of Aquarium Co-Op and learning a lot. Actually spending too much time doing that if I have my way I’ll have tanks on every wall of my house. But I need to start with my first one it has been a long time. I’m going to set up the tank and wait a good month. Put an old sponge from my granddaughters tank to jumpstart my tank yet still wait a couple weeks check my water perimeters and have a few live plants. Should I start with live plants before I add fish?
  8. I used to have a tank when My kids were little, 1988. And I had fake plants a little shipwreck that bubbled. I’m watching more of Aquarium Co-Op and learning a lot. Actually spending too much time doing that if I have my way I’ll have tanks on every wall of my house. But I need to start with my first one it has been a long time. I’m going to set up the tank and wait a good month. Put an old sponge from my granddaughters tank to jumpstart my tank yet still wait a couple weeks check my water perimeters and have a few live plants. Should I start with live plants before I add fish?
  9. Tank decorations, Can I use seashells preferably ones with a real smooth shiny texture in my fish tank. They came from the beach in Florida I’ve had them for 15 years sitting in a jar. I’m sure I can probably boil them in water
  10. Great advice on the wood I documented all of it thank you so much for your advice.
  11. Is there a certain kind of wood that works better in a fish tank and does it need to be driftwood that I can find on the river or can I take it from a tree in my backyard that’s been sitting for a year?
  12. If I take a piece of driftwood or a rock is there a certain way I have to prepare it to have it clean before I put it into the tank? And from the looks of my plants I have Java ferns? I don’t know what any of them are my son bought them, and he probably doesn’t know. The lights are almost never put on in the tank. My granddaughter told me about a month or more ago she poured too much fish Food in the tank. So I guess that’s what jumpstarted the algae
  13. This is my tank I wasn’t sure how to take a photo and send it but these are the plants I have I clean them up a little bit today some of them are brown but they’re still living through all these weeks of green in the water I did a 70% change of water today I’m just trying to see if that’ll do anything I really think is algae in the water . I don’t squirt anything in to feed the plants. I have been doing water changes like I said once to twice a week usually 4 gallons at a time. So do you think those fish that are in the tank? Should I keep the lights off completely for a week. Should I use some kind of algae Treatment in the tank, so far I have not used chemicals. One more thing every time I change the water and suck it up through the siphon I barely get poop I thought I would get a lot more poop than I got and I don’t so I don’t believe they’re being overfed
  14. Is it true if I have a hang on the back filter and a sponge filter in the tank it will allow me to have more than a couple fish in a 15 gallon tank. Is it OK to have 10 fish in a 15 gallon tank the tank is tall it’s got plenty of room in it so if I have the two filtration is that OK for a 10 fish
  15. I don’t believe she is feeding them too much, I always tell her just a pinch and when I feed them I feed him a little bit more than just a pinch but there’s 10 fish and they haven’t gone in a matter of three seconds. Yes I have watched that video and I wondered if it was the algae that is mostly in the water until two weeks later I noticed a little bit of green algae on the side of the tank so that made me think it wasn’t the floating algae. Inquiries video says that you have to complete darkness in the tank for a week which he said would probably kill off the plants I don’t care what I have to do at this point. But I do wonder if once they started adding more fish the algae slowly started creeping up there little by little. And they keep using those throwaway filters I keep telling them just rinse it out in the fish water that you take out of the tank and keep reusing it. So if the fish are being fed too much you can get too much algae to grow in your tank? And thank you for your help And I go to Petsmart and yes sometimes it’s OK but most of the time they know less than I do and that’s just for me watching all Coreys videos the most of them don’t have a clue, I agree with you
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