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Posts posted by DSH OUTDOORS

  1. Started the first week of January this year with one 75 gallon tank. I now have 12 set up ranging from 3 gallon to 95 gallon, 9 have fish or shrimp in them with the other 3 getting filled this week and there are another 3 in the garage waiting for a rack...

    So no, I have no idea what you are referring to. But we can be friends!


    • Like 1
  2. If the bottom was lighter in color some Asian Stone mini Catfish would stand out.  I just got some last week and they look very cool from all angles. They stay smaller than an inch and a half and can handle temps in the low to mid 60.  I'll add more if any more come to mind.


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  3. Any experts out there for Lamprologus ornatipinnis kigoma? I bought a rack from a fellow nerm, one 33 long had Multis which are breeding like crazy but I see very little activity out of the other 33 long with Lamprologus ornatipinnis kigoma. There are 5 in the group, probably 30 shells, hard water and I high ph. My biggest fear is I have nothing but females. 4 are the same size with one older and larger (breeder said this was also female from previous/parent stock) the only other difference between them all is I have one that likes to hang out above everyone on the sponge filter.

    Any advice on these guys would be appreciated.






  4. On 3/26/2021 at 10:33 PM, DShelton said:

    these can be had through the Aquaculture store pretty reasonably.

    Fish are in their way! Will be shipped on Monday because the weather is cold this week but hanging in the 60s all next week. Getting a few tanks planted and ready this weekend with some well seasoned sponge filters and plants ready to welcome then when they arrive. Thanks for the link.

    I'm working on an experiment with a black worm culture in a ten gallon tank on the basement floor. This keeps them around 60°. They have sand, gravel and sponges for shelter a sponge filter and feeding algae powder. As long as I can keep up with water changes I think they will stay viable and reproduce. I'm a month in and so far so good.

    • Like 1
  5. My two new 40 gallon breeders are cycled and ready for fish. The first with all black substrate has 8 Platy, 10 albino cory, a few otocinclus and an amano shrimp.

    The second with white sand dividing the black planted areas will be filled with red eye cauliflower swordtails and gold lazer cory. The weather here gets nice for the week come Monday so new fish will be shipped on Monday!

    Both are heavily planted, looking forward to the jungle getting fully established.




    • Like 7
  6. Clearly the answer is to buy another tank and get both!!!!

    If you are a normal person, unlike me, and cannot set up another tank then I would look at the slight differences in what they prefer for water parameters and match those to your location or the other fish you plan to keep.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, T. Pet said:

    Hi everyone!

    New user from Minnesota here. Wish I didn't live so far from the Co Op! I'd probably go there every day.

    I've been in the hobby (obsessively) since April of 2019. I am running four tanks at home and one at work 😅 I have a 75 gallon with some Angels and Discus and a ton of oddballs, and despite everyone else's advice, they're doing amazing.

    Recently I discovered three of my angels are female and only one is male, and the ladies did NOT like sharing. I have the original pair in their own tank now and I'm hopeful one of their spawns will make it passed fryhood - so far we're on try #5.

    Excited to learn all I can about bringing up some fry! I love this hobby so much because I learn something new every day.

    Aforementioned pair: Superfins & Biggie Smalls (yes I really name most of my fish).


    Welcome to a fellow Minnesotan!!!! Happy to have you here!

    • Like 1
  8. My first thought is your hardscape moved while refilling the tank and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Maybe a rock or driftwood piece moved while your hillstream was under it.

    Nothing you have in the tank seems likely to cause an open wound like you described.

    This is of course, a guess without further information on how you do your water changes or what your tank looks like.

    Just something to consider.

    • Thanks 1
  9. I've had a group of 5 pearl gourami in with guppy and fry for two weeks now and haven't had an issue.  At least all fry larger than a half an inch are still alive.  The gouramis are not fully gown yet though so we will see if anything changes.  Not the same, but figured it might help.

    • Thanks 1
  10. In the tanks I have used it in I haven't done a thing to it.  Place it where I want it, SLOWLY fill to about 10"-12" of water, plant my plants and fill the rest of the way a few days later.  Granted these were all much taller than a 10 gallon so I would fill to a depth of your tallest plant, let them get settled a few days then fill the rest of the way and start your cycle process.  My Val and Sword plants are growing likes weeds using this method. 

    Edit:  This is not recommended with the Sand Flourite.

    • Like 1
  11. It's been a day...

    Work 9 hours then head to home depot to pick up materials for my basement bedroom build, get that unloaded by 5:30.

    Guy shows up to pick up the free antique wood stove that I'm sick of walking around in the garage. It weighs 300+ lbs and he's almost 70. Load it into his trailer and start having back spasms. (Seriously? I'm only 35 🤦🏻‍♂️)

    Now the fun part. Won the Craigslist lottery and found a local breeder downsizing.

    Two 33 longs with lamprologus ornatipinnis and fry in one and neolamprologus multis and fry in the other.

    two 6 gallon UNS rimless tanks with neo shrimp +-30 yellow and +- 20 jade green planted all on a rack. With nicrew lights all around.

    Everything for less than $450. What do you guys think? I'll get everything cleaned up and show more, maybe after a visit to the chiropractor tomorrow.






    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, ScottEsh said:

    Ran out of the api strips but used tetra strips

    first picture is straight from the tap using warm water (softener water)

    Also this is result of api master test kit. 

    Second strip test is with cold water from the faucet..

    it usually is around 300gh 

    tds 552




    I think you don't have much to lose using cold/luke warm for water changes out of your tap. Start with small water changes to acclimate your fish to the harder water. Your plants will only benefit from your tap water. 

    I feel like you got beat up a bit on this post, in the end I hope bringing it here helps yours plants and saves you some cash on water and miles on your car. Keep us updated if you decide to try your tap water moving forward. 

    Best if luck to you and your tank.

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