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Posts posted by Phillip

  1. I have a bar sink right next to my aquarium. It’s smaller than most faucets. I just learned the size is called Tom Thumb. I want to find a female Tom Thumb to hose adapter. All I can find is a male Tom Thumb to hose. Anybody ever find something like this? I had a universal adapter that had a rubber hose that got tightened on the the faucet. It was a pain and the rubber ripped already. I’d like to find a threaded fitting to use. 


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  2. So I just found out I should be quarantining new fish when we get them. I’ll be getting a quarantine setup soon. I also ordered the quarantine trio meds. Should I dose my tank when they come in as a precaution since I didn’t quarantine any of the fish we got? Or should I just monitor and quarantine all new fish?

    we have a pretty new tank. We started of with 6 danios a couple weeks ago. Friday we got a trio of guppies from twin cities. 

  3. I found a diagram describing different plant deficiencies and it looks like my sword is showing signs of nitrogen deficiency. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I have put several root tabs under it when I got it a couple weeks ago. I added a couple more root tabs underneath it today. Is that ok? Can you put too much? I also dose the water weekly with easy green. Is there anything else I should do?

    water samples today:

    ammonia - 0

    nitrite - 0

    nitrate - 20/40 (hard for me to tell between the 2)


  4. 9 minutes ago, Theresa_M said:

    Check out Irene's video for Aquarium Co-op. I think it's really smart, and I now have this setup. I bought 2x5g tanks and 2x10g tanks and set them up for quarantine, but unfortunately I have aquascaped and stocked them! Now, I've got an extra sponge filter in my main display tank just for this purpose and use a storage bin. Not really interested in stocking a storage bin 🙂


    Great video and I like the idea of not having to  stock it when it’s not in use!  Since I don’t have a spare sponge filter running this time do I just cross my fingers and hope for the best??

  5. 29 minutes ago, AquaAggie said:

    *Not An Expert*

    some people have a permanent tank, some use a temporary tote or tank. I didn’t used to have a quarantine (QT) tank, but I am a full believer in them now. My fish survival rate has increased dramatically since I started using one. It could also prevent you from killing lots of your older established fish when you introduce a new fish that has disease. I think there are a couple of ways to look at this.  

    If this is a brand new tank then you have little to lose introducing new fish so maybe it’s not a big deal. And you just treat all the fish once you get them.  But since it is a new tank you may start losing fish to disease before you get it fully stocked  

    on the other hand even if it is a new tank and it’s 55 gallons, but one of your little fish is sick and you need treat with meds, treating 55 gallons with meds takes more meds and is more expensive than treating a 10 gallon tank. 

     If you get a QT tank I would highly recommend a 10g. All the meds come in 10g dosing packs. I could only fit a 5g in my tank stand (didn’t have anywhere to put one) and I really wish it was 10. 

    I use my QT tank to quarantine all my new fish   I alsO use it to treat fish that end up looking sick later. With QT this happens less frequently, but have definitely saved a couple fish from wasting disease. This way. Mine is always set up and running. I have some Java fern and hornwort in there and some snails live in there all the time to keep the cycle going. Good luck

    I guess that was my question: how do I keep it cycled when there or no fish being quarantined? I’d love to have a planted tank. Just keep some snails in there?

  6. We have a 36 gallon. So far we have 6 zebra danios and 3 guppies. We plan on adding a couple more community fish. I don’t mind getting another tank, just not sure what to do when we aren’t quarantining. An of course I already want another tank, so maybe it’s not a bad idea to get one. 

  7. What does everyone use for a quarantine tank? Am I just supposed to get a separate aquarium and leave it running when no fish are in it? We just got some guppies and put them in our tank and someone suggested we should put them in a quarantine tank first. Not sure how to go about it. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Seattle_Aquarist said:

    Hi @Phillip

    The first picture appears to be algae, hard to tell from the picture but possibly staghorn algae.  The second and third pictures show what could be algae but also could be diatoms.  If you gently rub the leaves between your fingers and the 'brown' rubs off it is diatoms.  If it pretty much doesn't rub off it is algae.  Diatoms are fairly common, especially in newer tanks.  -Roy

    So it did wipe off of the other 2 leaves. Guess I need to go research diatoms now and see what they are 🤣

  9. Hey everybody, I have a very similar situation going on. I didn’t want to hijack this post so I started one with pictures of my plants. Would y’all mine taking a look?

    This is my daughters tank we’ve been cycling. We’re so close to being cycled I’d hate to have a set back now. 


  10. 4 hours ago, Brandy said:

    Mutt guppies are flat out awesome for kids because babies are sooo much fun. So I am going to buck the tide and say get males and females, and then a fish that will eat just fry. I have seen a golden wonder killie eat a near adult male guppy, so I would choose something a bit smaller. Maybe some male platys or mollies, and just add them once your first batch of fry is big enough, and you get worried about overpopulation. The guppies were my childhood unicorn pet, and I didn't get to have them until I was in my 40s. I bet your daughter would love to gift them to friends.

    She loves guppies! We were planning on getting one kind of fish, then slowly adding to the tank. Would it be best to add a hardy fish like danios first, or start off with guppies?  Do you have a fish you’d recommend instead of golden wonder killi? I was watching a video on them earlier. 

  11. 4 hours ago, JettsPapa said:

    Also, you may already know this, but if you do get corys it's best to get all one species.  While they don't school tightly, they are shoaling fish that do best with others of the same species.  You'll often see 6 mentioned as the minimum number, but that's arbitrary.  More is always better, space and filtration permitting.  I have 9 trilineatus, 10 pandas, and somewhere around 15 pygmys (each group in a different tank).

    Thanks for the info on Cory’s and molies. I didn’t know that.

    I did hear that you should get the same species of corys for schools. I’ve been seeing the word shoaling lately and thought it was a typo at first. I’m assuming it means similar to schooling, I’ll have to go look it up. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Casual aquatics said:

    The joy of setting up that first tank is unlike any other! I personally loge the choice of tank I have a 47gal bow front planted community tank. I think your on the right track as far as stock list I have zebra danios giant danios guppy’s Cory cats kuhli’ loaches if you don’t know what those are look them up I feel you’ll really like those so will your daughter! Remember to be patient with yourself and the selected fish accidents will happen but as long as you use it as a learning curve. To educate yourself all will be ok in the long run fish are so relaxing and fun no matter your age. I’ll end with there’s a lot of people who are gonna claim to know better or more than you Aka fish police etc and you need to take with a grain of salt because in truth they might or might not it up too you to do the research get more than one opinion check multiple sources there’s a lot of hood people on this forum and of course Cory knows his stuff
    p.s this is what I wish I was told when I first started

    Setting up this tank has been a really fun experience so far! We have learned som much also. I just discovered Kuhli loaches! They are so cool looking. I’m going to look in to them some more and see if we can add them to our list. Thanks for all the info. I’ll be asking questions all over the forum, I’ve already been hitting up the plant section a lot.  

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