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Posts posted by Phillip

  1. On 8/1/2021 at 4:05 AM, Colu said:

    What I would do is epsom salt bath 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants help to reabsorb the prolapse

    Thanks. I’ll start the baths today. 

  2. On 7/31/2021 at 8:34 PM, Taco Playz said:

    That looks like a prolapse. I would ask @Coluon how to treat it because I’ve never seen a prolapse in one of my aquariums but I’ve seen it happen in others aquariums. I hope your fish gets better!

    Thanks! I hope we can get her taken care of 

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  3. On 7/31/2021 at 7:34 PM, Phillip said:

    Does anybody know what this is? Can I help her? She was quarantined for a month. I added her to my community tank about a week ago.  Everyone else in the community seems fine so far. 

    ph 7.2

    ammonia 0

    nitrite 0

    nitrate 20



  4. Edit: pic in comment below
    Does anybody know what this is? Can I help her? She was quarantined for a month. I added her to my community tank about a week ago.  Everyone else in the community seems fine so far. 

    ph 7.2

    ammonia 0

    nitrite 0

    nitrate 20


  5. On 7/14/2021 at 1:27 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    @PhillipCation Exchange Capacity- ability to hold the elemental minerals the plants need in the substrate. Aquarium gravel will hold on to nutrients just not quite as well as eco-complete, flourite, stratum etc. 

    Also here’s a bit on light from The Barr Report https://barrreport.com/articles/light-in-planted-tanks.48/


    Thanks for the info! I’m fairly new to the hobby and learn something new everyday. 

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  6. On 7/13/2021 at 11:41 PM, Patrick_G said:

    Your light settings look a little low to me, but it depends on how deep your tank is. 
    I have my Fluval light max out at 50% on a 14” deep tank. 

    It’s a 75 gallon.  I think it’s 20 or 24” high. The lights are only a couple months old and I haven’t really played with them. Everything else seems to be growing fine though. I guess I could slowly start increasing it and see what happens. 

  7. On 7/13/2021 at 3:29 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    I can’t help with your 3.0’s lighting schedule but can help with general crypt care. Where are your nitrates at? TDS, gh, kh? Any root tabs? What’s the substrate? Is this the first leaves after melting? 

    Thanks. Appreciate any help you can offer. 
    I try to keep nitrates around 20. 
    tds 220

    gh/kh both 7 drops. Can’t remember what that converts to

    I put a couple root tabs down before I planted. I’ve had them for about three weeks. 

  8. TLDR: looking for stocking suggestions for a 75 gal. planted tank. 

    We recently had a 36 gallon start leaking. I took everything out and put the fish in buckets with aquarium water and sponge filters from the aquarium. I got a 75 gallon that day (why not upgrade). Some of the fish died during the transition that day. I now only have 1 zebra danio and 2 celestial pearl danios and 6 Corys. I’ve thought about moving them to the guppy tank, but don’t won’t them fin nipping.  I was able to move all of the plants over. 

    For the 75 we’re want a community tank and thinking about the following. Would any of these not work together?

    rainbow fish: do they all need to be the same kind?

    Denison barb

    Some kind of other barb?



    tetras - cardinal? Rummy nose?



  9. I don’t know what to do to help her. She just finished a week of meds and doesn’t look any better. She has this white puffy looking spot on the back of her fin. I treated the tank with Maracyn and Ick-x. My male guppy’s tail was looking a little shredded so I was thinking fin rot. He’s starting to look better, get not so much.  Of course it’s so hard to get a good picture too


    ph 7.2

    ammonia 0

    nitrite 0 

    nitrate 20  it was 40 the day before I noticed the issues 

    gh/kh - 7 drops/ 8 drops

    Temperature 77




  10. 7 hours ago, Bentley Pascoe said:

    I'm not sure how a Fluval Plant 3.0 could look dim, its a fairly powerful light.  It does have a warmer cast (yellow looking tint to the human eye) that some other lights, where as most lights with a blue/cool cast look "brighter" its just how they present to the human eye and almost nothing to do with how much actual light is being produced by the fixture.

    Thanks. I guess I just need to play with it some. I did watch some of your videos last night. 

  11. On 4/6/2021 at 9:33 AM, gardenman said:

    TDS stands for "Total Dissolved Solids." To test it you buy a TDS meter. The meters range in price from around $15 to God knows how how much depending on how accurate you need to be. (Hint: for an aquarium, you don't need to be all that accurate.) They most often used on tanks holding delicate shrimp and fish that are very sensitive to water quality.

    I got a tds meter. It’s 220. Not sure what that means though.  🤣

  12. 9 hours ago, Tanked said:

    Hornwort and Elodea thrived in the currents from my HOB filter.  The Hornwort actually tumbled until it became entangled in one of the rooted plants.  The water sprite did not like its home, floating or rooted.  I suspect it did not like being disturbed.

    I have one Java Fern.  It lives, but so far is not the "easy beginner" plant advertised.  I knowingly bought a sad plant because the price was right  Yesterday I moved it to the same side as my HOB Filter.  The working theory being that I've read that the JF prefers a little less light, and  a rhizome is a rhizome.  The Anubia planted under the HOB is the healthiest plant in the aquarium.

    My healthiest looking plant is one of my swords. It’s growing great and has a baby coming of the shoot. I want to plant the baby but I’m scared to kill it 🤣

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