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Posts posted by Phillip

  1. On 4/8/2022 at 9:41 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    Take out all the decor they’ll hide behind - heaters, wood, stones etc and use the 2 net  techniques you can put food you know they’ll go for in the net that worked for me 2 x before they figured it out.

    I’m going to give a shot this afternoon and see if I can get them. 

  2. On 4/8/2022 at 8:07 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I use a med or large coop net. I slowly chase them with it through the plants until they are in a front corner. Then catty corner them with the net in the corner until they are on the front glass and smoosh the net to the glass. Moving the net in a circular motion they dart away into the mesh. 
    I have also chased them into a cave or clear glass(always afraid I will someday break they glass though). Then lift cave/ glass fish and water out with my hand over the opening. Hope that helps. They are FAST💨 

    They are fast. I’ve been trying for a couple day to catch them lol

  3. Does anyone have any tricks for getting a bristlenose pleco out of a planted tank?? I have a male in one tank and a female in another. I’d like to pull them and put in a breeder tank, but I can’t catch them!! At this point it’s almost easier to get 2 new ones for the breeder tank lol

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  4. On 4/6/2022 at 5:10 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Can you zip tie the entire unit to a pvc pipe the zip tie a hook on the pvc to hang inside the tub?  I’m not real handy so not quite sure why this popped into my head or if it is doable. 🤪

    Might be something to look in to…

    On 4/6/2022 at 5:39 AM, Widgets said:

    Or a segment of the plastic craft mesh.

    Ohh that might work 

  5. On 4/6/2022 at 1:24 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    If you can. Perhaps get a piece of slate or something and just set that against the wall. The ziss might be at a slight angle, but you give the fish a cave and finding something flat, narrow width, but tall enough would just be the issue.

    The irony is those suction cups have removed fingernails they are so insanely strong. I used a knife against the glass because I could never get them off.

    Yeah I know! They work perfect in an aquarium. 

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  6. On 4/6/2022 at 1:17 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I actually had this specific issue and never got it resolved.

    I would say you are gonna end up using some silicone or something. You can also drill a hole and potentially mod it such a way to install something with rubber washers and nylon hardware (or something fish safe) so you can tie it down that way. Even when I used the base of the tub, it just never stuck. I tried for months a variety of ways.

    I was thinking of drilling holes in the tile and zip tying through the holes instead of using the suction cups. I’m hoping for an easier option though lol. 

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  7. Ok, I need some ideas. I have a couple Ziss Bubble Bio Moving Bed Filters I’d like to put outside in my container “ponds”.  I’m having trouble with the suctions cups staying attached due to the shape of the tubs. I’ve tried propping up a floor tile and sticking the filter to it, but it keeps coming unstuck. Does anyone have any good tricks???

  8. On 3/19/2022 at 8:27 PM, Odd Duck said:

    Never heard of it before but just did some reading.  But quite frankly anybody that thinks they need to make up a new word to hype their food is going to be a bit questionable for me.  Nutricaments is not a real word.

    The food may be just fine.  The probiotic he adds has very mixed results according to the studies I just read.  But it doesn’t appear likely to hurt the salmon fry used in the studies.  May, or may not help, they didn’t really prove definitively either way.  I wouldn’t pay top dollar for it but I’d probably feed it if somebody gave it to me to use.

    Thanks. I feel the same way about it. My gut told me it’s hype. 

    • Like 1
  9. Does anybody have any thoughts on Dr. Bassleer’s fish food?  There seems to be a lot of hype around it. I’ve tried it a couple times and the fish ate it just fine. I’m just wondering if it’s really good food or just hype??

  10. On 3/10/2022 at 8:06 AM, Fish Folk said:

    Most questions can be answered here.

    As a basic start…


    More developed FAQ are included in the link.

    And a bit more info here. You need to physically click on the video, abs it must play for minimum 30 seconds to count.


    Thanks! I just want to make sure I do it right so they get paid what they should. 

    • Like 1
  11. I follow several people/companies on YouTube. Does anybody know how YouTube payments are made? 

    Does the entire video need to be watched for it to be counted for payment?

    Do ads need to be watched? 

    Do they get paid if we skip ads?


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  12. I always do water changes just using the cold side of the faucet. I live in south Louisiana so cold isn’t something we usually think about. It’s been pretty cold the past couple of weeks (for us anyway 🤣). After my water change I checked the temp and the tank was at 69. The tank is set for 78 degrees. The temp slowly came up the next hour or so until it returned to normal. 

    Is this ok or should I  be using hot water also?



  13. On 9/25/2021 at 10:04 PM, Phantom240 said:

    Unless you have an iron and a phosphate test, that's usually fine. I would aim to get my nitrates down to 10ppm for the time being, and monitor how it goes over the next week or two. Easy Carbon knocks it out pretty easy too. 

    Thanks. I do t have either of those tests. I might see if I can pick them up test kit for them. I’ve started dosing Easy carbon every other day. Is that what you do??

  14. On 9/25/2021 at 4:37 PM, Phantom240 said:

    I had my power out for 8 days after Ida, and lost my pea puffer tank and some of my plants melted (temps too high for the puffers). I didn't get the algae outbreak like you have, thankfully. What are your water parameters now? Might be wise to do a few water changes in the realm of 25-50% over the next week to help bring nutrients back into balance. It looks much more like staghorn algae to me than brush or black beard algae. What's your water source?

    Thanks. Sorry about the pea puffer tank. I was getting worried about high temps also.

    I’ve done a couple extra 25% water changes. water source is city water

    Is there anything else I should be sampling?

    ph - 7.2

    ammonia - 0

    nitrite - 0 

    nitrate - 20/40

    TDS - 250

    Gh - 215

    kh - 125



  15. On 9/24/2021 at 10:14 PM, Jimfish98 said:

    If everything was off except air, you likely had a build up of nutrients from the filter not going. Carbon dose, reduce light, let the filter come back and do its job. Water change to remove any build up. 

    Something to consider if you are a tool person, a Ryobi inverter. They have one for their 40V that you can plug into and it will run some stuff for you even if in short bursts during outages. If you have a lot of tanks or want to think long term, they have a generator that runs on 4 of the 40V that can run a fridge and other stuff inside the home and quietly. You can use one to likely run all the tanks you have at once.

    Thanks. We live in south Louisiana, so we’re always dealing with bad weather it seems. I had a generator that decided to crap out on me at the beginning of the storm. I’m looking in to a whole home generator which should help prevent this in the future. 

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  16. We lost power for 10 days after hurricane ida came through. I had some battery operated air bubblers so o was able to keep the fish alive. My filter and lights were off the entire time though. I’m getting algae everywhere now. I would’ve thought no light would’ve helped prevent algae?? 

    The tank is moderately stocked and planted. I always keep nitrates under 40. I’ve stopped adding fertilizer since the algae started. Any advice?




  17. On 8/6/2021 at 1:06 PM, Guppysnail said:


    You should be just fine maybe low gh. Keep an eye on your ph not going to low. Guppies are easy, forgiving and adaptable. I never mess with chemistry in my water if things go astray I water change through it.  Chemicals frighten me to be honest. I just have never learned enough about using them to feel safe. You may want to Drop in a wondershell to increase calcium and magnesium for hardness they love it. Below 200 gh they don’t do well for me. When it’s dissolved i throw another one in It is real difficult to go to high or hard for guppies unless it’s extreme. I’m fortunate liquid rock comes from my hose faucet but they still seem to like wondershells. Good luck keep us updated. 

    Great, thanks! I have some wonder shells, I’ll throw one in and see what it does. 

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  18. On 8/6/2021 at 12:04 PM, Patrick_G said:

    My Guppies seem to thrive and breed in 10 degrees GH. TDS measures everything in the water, GH measures Calcium and Magnesium. 

    Thanks. I guess that means I should be fine, right?

  19. I’m trying to see if the water in my guppy tank is hard enough for them. I’m not sure how the tds plays in to it though. Should I make any changes based on these results?

    Gh: 10 drops 179 ppm
    Kh: 4 drops 71.9
    TDS: 247

  20. @Keeg I’ll try to get some better pics. I moved her in to a tub so it’s a lot harder to get pics now. God I hope it’s not callamanus. I’ve been hearing horror stories ever since I got in to the hobby!

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