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  1. I may be alone in this, but I really wish there were more tech products for aquariums. You can set up lights on a timer, but I haven’t been able to find a Bluetooth/wifi thermometer and heater. I work and go to school so I’m out of the house a lot and I worry about my fish whenever I’m away. The best solution I found was setting up a webcam to show my regular thermometer, and putting my heater on a wifi plug so I could turn it off and on from anywhere. I have 8 aquariums so that’s not a viable option. I also found a gadget that would monitor my tank’s temp and shut off power to the heater if it got too hot, but that heater would not turn back on automatically, and didn’t connect to my phone, so if I didn’t check it very often, my fish could be without heat for too long It would be so nice to have a thermometer/heater combo that connected to my phone (like the wifi plugs, or my fluval aquasky) so that I can check and adjust all the temperatures as needed from work. Fluval has the app part figured out, so I would love to see them do something like this.
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