I have been fighting the Staghorn battle. I thought I won when I took out all the fish, and removed all the plants and washed them in 20:1 chlorox (which is 6% sodium hypochlorite before dilution) dip then a neutralizing dip made from high concentrate SAFE (seachem). full water change, replamned everything, Treated water everyday with Easycarbon 2 pumps. But I have noticed it slowly returning. So I have been administering the 2 pumps Easy Carbon via a syringe and a 25 gauge 7" spinal needle to spot treat the worst spots. I don't think I can spot treat the whole aquarium with only 2mls/day.
Can I use API algeafix also at 2mls/day in conjunction with the glutaraldehyde?
I know you sit has been discussed you can could spot treat with 3% HOOH. How many mls HOOH can I use per day to eradicate this infestation?
PS I also have an 11w UVC light in the hang on the back filter to kill algae also.
Any helpful hints would be appreciated...