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Mississippi fish guy

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Everything posted by Mississippi fish guy

  1. Ok thanks. I will probably try that instead of an Amazon puffer.
  2. I didn’t know you could keep pea puffers and shrimp. Do you think that would work in a 5 gallon or would I need a 10. Also would a 5 be too small for 1 pea puffer?
  3. Soon I plan on getting more plants for my 55 and once I have I plan to begin stocking more fish. The current population is 1 albino rainbow shark 1 clown pleco 1 Bolivian ram 5 julli corys and one green Cory from my first school. 5 cherry barbs (I plan to increase this to 10 once I final get them to spawn) 3 kuhli loaches i would like to add the following sometime later 1 angelfish 10 black phantom tetras 10 rummy nose tetras 10 black neons possibly some otocinclus 1 Amazon puffer The Amazon puffer is something I’m not sure about. I want to get a puffer but I have never kept any puffer before. If an Amazon puffer wouldn’t work would pea puffers work? Also would this be over stocking? If so what would be a better stocking plan? Just as a note any other suggestions would need to be angelfish friendly since the only reason I haven’t got one yet is because I don’t want it to get big and eat my tetras when I get them.
  4. Mine would be 1. clown pleco 2. striped ralphael catfish (currently named Larry but I’m not sure if there is a way to sex them) 3. longear sunfish It is always hiding since the bluegill (which will be removed soon) bullies it whenever it sees it.
  5. Thanks! My main problem has been adding more silicone than i want to use to keep the cave stable. I will look into the jb weld
  6. I’m currently using some Locktite water proof silicone since I already had it. Would the jb weld work better? hi @Root
  7. I just started working on a lava rock cave for my striped ralphael catfish and red wolf fish. I intend to have one main cave with at least two smaller caves attached to the main one. I have never done any kind of rock work and I’m concerned that it will not hold up since it doesn’t feel stable even though I have let the silicone sit for a day and that part still feels unstable. Does anyone have advice/experience with this?
  8. 1. Oscar tank 2. fish native to a creek in my state. 3. An upgrade for my red wolf fish.
  9. I’m new to planted tanks with the tank with the algae problem being my first planted tank being the one with the algae problem. The tank has been set up for a year now and the algae usually just grew on the driftwood and any plants that I let float for a long time. A few weeks ago some brown algae began to grow on my Java fern and now on my Pogostemmon. The algae only seems to grow on the plants closer to the surface. There is a little in my crypts and even less on my banana plant and I haven’t found any on my Amazon sword. My lighting was formerly a light my Granddady used on his saltwater tank that had a white light setting. After a while though the leds went out and I got a aco light. It is set at 60 but my homemade lid reduces the light level quite a bit. Ramon and bladder snails don’t survive in this tank (possibly because of the planeria) and my two nerite snail stay in the same place for a day or two at a time. I’m not sure what to do since the only algae eater I know of that would help would be otocinclus but my red wolf fish might choke on those so I don’t think those would be a good idea. this is a picture of the algae
  10. Is that an adult or do they get bigger?
  11. I’m considering getting some triops and I was wondering if you can keep them in a 2 or 3.5 gallon cube. I plan on using a fine sand substrate and for filtration a sponge filter. I have very soft water so should I add crushed coral at some point to add minerals? What food should I use? Do I need an heater? Can scuds live with them? Also what plants should I use. I read that they will eat plants and I’m not sure if I should dry that tank out when they die or just remove some of the sand. If you know something that I should know that I didn’t ask about please tell me I have no experience with any kind of crustacean.
  12. I thought it was mayfly or stonefly larva. There were multiples in what I had planned to be my daphnia culture when I had just set it up because I introduced some water from our swimming pool (it was green and it had been months since any chemicals were introduced). There was one that grew to about 1/2or 3/4 in later I did moina because the daphnia I collected kept dying.
  13. Thanks. I have had the test kit for a few years and I normally use the regular ph test and it always reads 7.6 since that is the highest it goes but yesterday I used the high range ph and it read around 8-8.2 Will rummy nose or other South American fish be fine with that?
  14. I don’t have prime or maracyn2. I will get some soon as I can. Do I need to test the gh and kh daily because my api test kit doesn’t cover those? Thanks for the help.
  15. Last Saturday I bought 10 rummy nose tetras from the pet store. None were colored up at the time and I could see that it looked like some had a scratch or infection, possibly both. The next day began to color up but two were missing. By Monday there were only five. I bought 4 more and now there are 6 with one during a couple hours ago. The only symptoms are not schooling with the rest, an occasional white patch that looks similar to what some had at the pet store, swimming upwards or spinning, and swimming as if there is ammonia (because there was). After a roughly 75% water two appeared to be dying but now one seems to have recovered but not sure. This tetra is not showing any symptoms other than the white spot. nitrate and nitrite 0 ammonia was about 0.5 ppm yesterday after the water change it is 0 Kh 0 gh 80 I’m not good at reading the test strips but my api test kit (which expires in October) said the ph was about 8-8.2. this is the test strip the parameters were the same before and after the water change except for ammonia. I can give more info if needed.
  16. Do moss balls and zebra mussels come from the same place?
  17. If that is the small round fin then yes there is a very small one. That explains why the head shape was so different.
  18. Update: the catfish is an albino red tail and the unknown rasbora turned out to be a blue tetra.
  19. There is a slightly blue tint but no pale orange nose. If it is a rummy nose rasbora can the be kept in soft water?
  20. Thanks! I might try the no cap dirt tank once I start to set up my banded pigmy sunfish tank.
  21. How long does it normally take? I’m curious because the way I did it (which was not the best way I could have done it) took around 3 hours. Though I will eventually need to do it again so I don’t cause problems in my moina culture.
  22. these are some pictures I took of the unknown rasbora @Tlindsey and @Biotope Biologist
  23. The store is not a big box store but it is also not a fish store entirely. I guess I will have to pass on them then because my tank has neither. Thanks for the help.
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