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  1. Will these plants root if I cut them in the middle and place them in soil? I recently received my order of plants via mail but they took a fairly long time to arrive and had melted quite a bit. I removed the dead leaves and they are now mostly stem. Can I cut them a little below the new growth once they bounce back without damaging the entirety of the plant?
  2. Late Update: The epsom salt bath did wonders! He's now in his 10 gal swimming freely
  3. As of right now: Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite .50 ppm Nirate 5.0 ppm pH 8.2 I have him on the current med trio as a general quarantine for the recommended 4-6 weeks as he is a new fish and want to make sure he doesn't have fin rot and/or columnaris as well. (My nieces fish died to all 3 so I'm a bit paranoid) Should I still stop current medications? (Edit: just saw Colus post under this thread regarding the days of epsom salt) Food recipe will happen next week, I need to order seachem focus and garlic guard. I can give y'all an update if I have any success 🫡 Thank you by the way!
  4. Info: Male double tail half moon betta Purchased Saturday June 29th and was immediately put into a 4 gallon quarantine tank with a sponge filter, a heater(81°F), and the following medications: Ich-X Fritz Maracyn No Paracleanse yet, it will be arriving sometime next week He has SBD, anytime he tries to swim to the bottom he pops right back up. Has trouble balancing and often goes sideways. I have him on a fast, this would be his third day on it. I installed a light earlier today to help see any debris that he may have left and noticed green poop? It is the exact color of green algae. It is not stringy but more of a little "glop" with a pinched off end which why I suspect it being poop. I could not get a good enough image of it but will try later on with a better camera. Concerns: Mostly just his SBD as I've ready that it's fairly common for double tails to have SBD due to a compressed body, had I known this I would not have purchased the little guy 😞 he has a bulge on the side of his body where his swim bladder is. I'm wondering if I should try the frozen pea method today? And if that doesn't work I'm open to advice and curious if anyone has had any luck with double tails.
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