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  1. I can’t get the Ammonia test strips right now but I plan on it and we just did a Water Change Yesterday
  2. Here is what we use : API Stress Coat and 5 in 1 Test Strips as well as Ammonia Test Strips the Stress Coat we did last night so we are waiting to see how it goes I’m wondering if we need to use the API Fin and Body Cure Fritz A+ Aquarium Salt
  3. We do care about him we have had him for 4 months now But like what do we do as far as the fin rot now these are before and after pics
  4. Ok can you recommend a good brand of maracyn2 ? On Amazon Ok can you show me maracyn2 brand please
  5. Before and After pictures of him…He is 4 months old what can be done?
  6. Here are Before and. After of hubby betta Dredd Dredd is 4 months old
  7. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Is this normal behavior for the Cory
  8. SlaeStacy

    The Fish

    Version 1.0.0


    Ok so here they all are this was after we got the 2 Otocinclus
  9. Here is All of them For the Cory was this not sure the Otos
  10. Ok and what of these guys the 2 Otos - Mud and Tara are chasing 1 Peppered Cory - Slime and Slime is Swimming up and down frantically
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