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  1. Thank you!! I won't and don't use our town's water for my tank. U ranium was mined 2 miles outside of town. I use the 5 gallon water that's delivered to my door. At times, our town water comes out brown and stinks of sulfer. 😵‍💫
  2. Airborne 82nd, will do! Thank you! 🪻 Ahhhhhhhh, inflation 😆
  3. jwcalson I don't. It's weird how my liquid testing for ammonia; nitrites and nitrates all came up negative per my new API testing kit. Thank you for your response! 🌟
  4. UPDATE: I received my API testing kit today and here are the results. The second photo it water in a glass with a white paper towel piece taped to the back of the glass (I don't have any white dishware). Thank you!
  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! This forum has helped me more in 24 hours than in 4 months of reading, watching and waiting. I will definitely be sticking around! I want to be all of you when I grow up 😁! I'll check back when I've made some progress 💯. Again, thank you very much! 🌟🌟🌟 quikv6, now that makes sense to me, thank you so much for your help! Goomba says thank you too! I appreciate all of you taking the time to educate me. You have explained things perfectly! Have a blessed week and know I am always open for instruction and direction! What a fantastic forum! I am grateful 🪻
  6. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! This forum has helped me more in 24 hours than in 4 months of reading, watching and waiting. I will definitely be sticking around! I want to be all of you when I grow up 😁! I'll check back when I've made some progress 💯. Again, thank you very much! 🌟🌟🌟
  7. jwcarlson, I appreciate all of your advice and knowledge! I am using test strips. I have never had nitrites either. I have done a lot of "stuff" lol. I am completely guilty. I've been just so frustrated that I have had this ugly cloudy fish tank for so long. So, if during my water changes I test and the ph is off, or the hardness is high, etc. stiff like that. Do I leave it be or try to correct it? Again, this is where I get confused. My newby-ness is shining through 😊 You all are so awesome!
  8. Thank you! But is it a filter that been used for a while? Do you know it's cycled when a water test shows slight nitrates? This is where I get massively confused. 🥴
  9. I have never had nitrates, at least per the test strip. I have purchased 2 different ammonia test kits. If I've had ammonia this long in my tank, I'm shocked my Goomba has survived. I have mostly been replacing evaporated water. I've waited and waited for my water to cycle without water changes (except for the recent 15% change) for a month now. Does it really take that long? 🌟💯👍
  10. You have been so helpful and patient 😊 how would you describe a cycled filter? A dirty filter? You explain things in a way I can understand. Thank you! Thank you!
  11. Awesome! When you say sponge, do you mean a normal kitchen dish sponge? Is there anyway to cycle a filter without a separate tank? Thank you! 🪻
  12. Thank you so much for your response 😊 I didn't use any cleaning products. I used boiled water to clean it. I am more than happy to start from zero! What should I do with my Goomba while the fresh tank is cycling? I appreciate your and everyone's input! I have been racking my brain about this. When you say established filter what does that mean? Do I use the one I'm using now no cleaned? How do you establish a filter when this is my only tank? Sorry, such newbie questions 😊
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