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  1. With regards to slime coat issues and wounds that occur after the cichlids fight, I have used Stress Guard by Seachem claims that is supposed to promote healing, reduce stress, and an antiseptic for fish. It stated that is does not clog resins like competing "slime coat" products can. I have use it and had luck with slime coat issues. I have also used a mild concentration of salt which I understand that it is supposed to promote slime coat production. However, their may be an underlying cause that ay need to be treated as well.
  2. Thank you for the tips and detailed reply about the plant, betta, and water. It was very helpful and appreciated! I am used to my artificial plants and African cichlids so this is an adventure for sure. The aquarium has two sponge filters that are located in the back corners of this aquarium kit. I have some seasoned sponges that are in my main aquarium and I will use this to help kick start the tank so we can put the fish in right away and there will be plenty of beneficial bacteria available. The well water is free from chlorine or chloramine but it will still be a good idea to use prime anyway to help detoxify any potential heavy metals present. I was not aware of the type of Java fern it was when I bought it, but when I looked it up I realized that it was a sought after variant from the regular Java fern. Thanks!
  3. I am setting up an aquarium for a Betta and the owner of the fish store sold my mom on a Java Fern. It is a 5 gallon tank and the plant is 6" tall. It was immersed in the store. The plant was sold attached to a piece of wood. The substrate is Seachem Flourite. I am not new to fish keeping but am new to plants and Bettas. Her concern is that the plant was nice and green upon purchase and now is developing black blotches up and down the leaves. She said that on leaf was entirely black and fell off after a week in a new aquarium. I ordered easy green. There betta is not in the tank yet. She dosed it for two weeks 6 drops each week and the black has not spread, but is still present. She snipped off some of the black parts. There is no fish in it at this time and has been up for three weeks now. The light is adjustable. She had it set on the "medium level" for two weeks but has since decreased it between the lowest and medium setting. The LED light stands about 6" above the clear lid. The water used is a "Betta water" purchased from the fish store. The aquarium specs and parameters: · 5 gallon w/ about 3 gallons of water after substrate, plant, filters, and heater added. Tank Dimensions: 11.75" (L) x 11.75"(D) x 8"(H). Aquatic Venti-5 gallon · Plant: Java Fern-Windelov (Purchased 5/12/24 Mothers day) · Temp:80 degrees · Used API test kit for the following: pH: 7.2, Nitrate: 10, GH: 7 drops, KH: 6 drops, No ammonia or nitrites. I suspect the nitrate is from the Easy Green fertilized since it a new tank. I am planning to add seeded media to the tank once the betta is purchased. Questions: How much die back is normal? How long to expect a decline? Is this too much or too little fertilizer for the tank? Is fertilizer even necessary? How much light as far as intensity and hours per day is required? Do the water parameters look good for this plant with a Betta? What water parameters would be best suited for a Java Fern and Betta together? Would soft water from the tap (well water) with Seachem equilibrium added be appropriate going forward? Or 75% RO water w/ 25% hard water be appropriate? I was told the 75% RO plus 25% hard water is what betta water is composed of. Thank you!
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