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JS Fish

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  1. He is only going after moving food right now. I appreciate the idea though
  2. @Whitecloud09 thanks! I appreciate it!
  3. I unfortunatly dont gave a way to get scuds
  4. Having problems with my cherry shrimp. They keep dying and I'm down to only 4 left alive. Anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
  5. Thanks for the advise. I definitely cant use cherry shrimp because I've been having problems with mine. Feeder shrimp might work but most are still to big. I wont be able to start hatching BBS for a couple weeks. My only options right now are very small feeder shrimp and feeder guppies. He would go after them still but I wont be able to hatch them for another couple weeks
  6. Picked up 3 feeder guppies from my local pet store. He ate two but one was to big for him to eat so he now has a new tank mate. I'll try to get a video of him eating next time.
  7. @macdaddy36 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09N1L4H4B?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_WWTCN3AYTQ8CPQTCR65F&starsLeft=1 Here's the link
  8. Just got these guys from amazon. I'm trying them out for the first time and am really excited about it. For the longest time, I've had terrestrial plants in all of my tanks which have been surviving off of tank water and the lights from my tanks for years. They were surviving but not really growing at all. My floating plants have also been growing kind of slow. Now that I got this grow light, I hope both my pothos and water spangle will start taking over!
  9. Just got these guys from amazon. I'm trying them out for the first time and am really excited about it. For the longest time, I've had terrestrial plants in all of my tanks which have been surviving off of tank water and the lights from my tanks for years. They were surviving but not really growing at all. My floating plants have also been growing kind of slow. Now that I got this grow light, I hope both my pothos and water spangle will start taking over!
  10. Just redid my aquascape! Both my sparkling gourami and dwarf crayfish seem to like it.
  11. Beautiful shrimp and tank! I recently started keeping shrimp and I've fallen in love with them. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing more posts about them.
  12. Got it, thanks! I've been thinking about starting to hatch my own baby brine shrimp recently
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