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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. I had some that really darkened in the tank. Not sure what’s up with that
  2. Yeah, I'm not seeing anything like that. they may have cheapened out too much
  3. Depending on the store, you may be able to find some brushes as small as toothbrushes. we have some in the shop, can't use them, contaminated with oil. forgot where we got them though, probably Grainger.
  4. I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't think so. the other alternative is organic acid. which makes me paranoid.
  5. Grill brush, or other small wire brush. let me know, i have the same issue
  6. Pigmies may not be the answer then. they tend to be off the bottom swimmers. not saying they don't eat there though. Have you thought about snails. they eat all the leftover organics. food, algae, dead fish. But pigmies would be cool to have.
  7. Actually, i was thinking about pleco types. how fun would a red lizard whiptail be
  8. Looks like some under the shrimp in the picture. On dwarf sag? Possibly something going on in the tank, and not necessarily just on the shrimp? Shrimp just getting it also?
  9. Yes . Apologies to Bird of course. And thank you for putting a stop to this. I can get carried away unintentionally.
  10. Actually what you get, and you just have to look at facebook, can be more of a group think. Where members only listen to other members. And pay attention to very few views coming from outside their own opinions.
  11. Is it a trick of the camera? All the plants look like they’re covered in white dots as well?
  12. Actually, of all the barbs, this one is least barb like. Very peaceful, usually calm. They are great for communities.including pigmy’s. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwic1sCjpKiEAxXM38kDHVQuAjgQFnoECDIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aquariumcoop.com%2Fblogs%2Faquarium%2Fcherry-barb&usg=AOvVaw0HLOUksm0SseB2orDQ1hmF&opi=89978449
  13. Jason is one of the top personalities in this business. If you go to Aquashella, you can go watch him speak. He is a microbiology professor with a focus on fish health. Also one of the top people people in the Chicago area in the swaps and clubs seen selling tens of thousands of fish per year. He only puts videos out on the fish he personally raises successfully in his hard Midwest water. So if you’ve seen a video of a fish species from him. It works in 85% of continental US waters. Not the 15% of north west or east coast waters. I honestly wouldn’t trust anything that comes from Reddit. Ever.period
  14. Plecos are kind of cool. But poop machines. Still they consume much more than poop. Jason Adam’s says he wouldn’t be without them in his fish rooms. Prime time Aquatics. And one of the easiest fish to breed
  15. Yeah, I accidentally hatched a batch of mystery snails in the 75. Gave 40 back to lfs. 25 still in 75. Every other tank has 2. Plain white. I at least should have bought the gold ones originally 😀
  16. Then you’re good to go. Yeah, I have 14 tanks, I should have done the 125, but settled for a 75. Our lfs has prices on tanks comparable to the big boxes. Was worried about the weight on the third floor. Would have been good. No plecos for me. Multiple snails in every tank though. I’ve been thinking about getting a few though
  17. If you have places already, you’re fine. If you’re planning on getting more places, and are like everyone else, you’re probably not fine. Everyone always says, yeah, I’ll get those tanks before they need them. Few people actually do.
  18. Actually, just ran those numbers, only 120% of capacity, requiring a 40% per week water change. If that’s what you want, go for it. Just go in knowing it’s going to take a bit more tank maintenance. That’s all. Have fun with your corys
  19. Yes, most probably. For small schooling fish, the one inch per gallon mostly still works. It doesn’t work for very large fish or very active fish, but in your case it does . To play around with stocking idea use aqadvisor.com
  20. Horizontal near the intake. That way it spreads the heat to moving water. Horizontally so that I don’t need to mess with it during water changes
  21. My daughter has one in her room. It’s still intact after a year. 15g. And another beside the refrigerator. No issue so far Daughters acts as her night light. 24 hour light. No algae. No idea why
  22. If it’s not fully converted yet, you are going to see some die back. Nothing you’ve done wrong. Just be patient. It’ll be fine in a couple weeks
  23. Yeah, you probably need a good kh gh test kit. Strips are unreliable. Sera makes the best kit. Water drop tests. The problem with trying to adjust your ph, gh, kh is consistency. For most keepers it really is not the way to go. That requires constant testing, constant adjustments, constant adding amendments. I have breeding cories in slighting harder water than you. They will adapt. I have 4 species. Panda is one, Habrosus is not. According to one of the online places I buy them, ph on cories goes from 5 to 8. With hardnes following. You really should have no problem
  24. Correct, but there are several stem plants that do better after floating. This one has week roots, it should do better with a floating period. But, unpot it either way
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