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Posts posted by Saltinthedesert

  1. Thanks. Yeah I suppose that’s a similar situation. Generator makes a lot of sense, I’ve looked into it in the past, but the ones that wire into your panel are not cheap. 

    42 minutes ago, Dandy Pearl said:

    I didn't experience a power outage, but it might have been one. I forgot to plug my canister filter back in after a water change. I realized something was wrong when I was adding fish and asked myself what what that smell? The canister was un plugged for at least 2 days, and likely 3. The tank was not overly stocked, but I was dealing and still dealing with high Nitrate levels.

    I didn't have a quarantine tank or any other tank to use so, I plugged it in and crossed my fingers.

    the smell was bacteria die off I assume, but things did come back to close to 'normal' in a few days.

    Fish: 14" common pleco, 2 pearl gourami's, 6 neon tetras, 3 cories, 4 harlequin rasbora, 2 otto's and a bunch of snails in a 72.

    This is my story for what it's worth.

    I am in the process of getting my generator set back up so I can sweat this a little less.

    Hope your power comes back soon.






  2. @Cory
    We just lost power in my neighborhood on the Eastside. While not uncommon, it’s the first time it’s happened since I got my three tanks. 

    Question 1: Which tank should I prioritize in terms of doing something?

    Tank 1: endlers, BN plecos, Nerite Snails, yellow shrimp

    Tank 2: Bolivian rams, flag acaras, king tiger pleco, clown pleco, Upside-down cat, glass fin tetras, German blue rams

    Tank 3: Bloody Mary shrimp, BN pleco, Norman’s Lampeyes, Chili Rasporas

    Question 2: I’m assuming the highest concern is temp changes? Then oxygen? What do I do?

    Pretty concerned so appreciate any input. Utility company says working on getting back up in 2 hours, but the track record is almost always WAY longer. 





  3. I have a few 29g Aqueon tanks with the folding glass lids. When I bought the EHEIM everyday feeder, I was surprised to see how far the feeding hole on the canister is from the clamp. I cut out a good sized square from the plastic section but I still haven’t figured out how to install it without getting flake food all over the place. Am I missing something?

    Do people not use feeders on tanks with lids?


  4. The guy that gave me this said it was an Upside Down Catfish but I haven’t seen any pictures that look like this, nor have I ever seen it swim upside down!

    Anyone know what it is for sure? Bonus points for telling me if it’s male or female. (I think F). 



  5. Guppies in particular are generally not shrimp-friendly. Even when they don’t eat them, the constant harassment and nipping can kill them off.  Like Cory said, start with the most resilient of shrimp and work your way up to more delicate/complicated types. 

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