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  1. Such an amazing list!! I really appreciate you taking your time for this response. I've added a few to my wish list. I want to learn the latin names! How did you begin learning the names? It's seems like an intimidating feat
  2. oooh! I also love the look of shallow tanks! that last inspo pic is so clean. I've seen some really cool biotopes done in shallow tanks. Having an aquarium like this is definitely on my bucket list.
  3. wow wow wow love the natural look on this tank! The grow out looks awesome. I've also wanted to experiment with having a female betta in a community tank; it seems like a really neat dynamic. I also love the way hillstream loaches look and would love to incorporate them into a tank one day.
  4. Bubble nesting isn't something I'm familiar with! Did a quick google search though and it looks super interesting. I bet it would be fun to observe them doing that!
  5. Noted! Hopefully this dream becomes a reality soon! I think its an awesome idea. You gotta share it on this forum when it happens 😊
  6. hahah I need to start giving aquariums creative titles. AND ANCHOR CATS ARE SO CUTE. I love this concept.
  7. I'm so sorry that this happened. I'm sure its tough finding out the reason of why they died, but like you said, you've learned something from it. I also am learning from this experience, so thank you for your vulnerability in sharing. I would say one large aspect of this hobby is being able to make mistakes and forgive yourself! I think you've got a great growth mindset and that's really what makes a difference in the lives of your fish 😊
  8. @Guppysnail wow thank you SO much for that detailed and creative list!! I had to look up almost every species you listed because I've never even heard of them. So many great options. I thought I was already indecisive 😆 looks like I just need to get a few more 10 gallons 🤷‍♀️ I love the idea of snails. I have a rimless tank with a glass lid, but there's a small gap along the sides, and I've heard that they are great escape artists. Have you had that issue at all? @_Eric_ I LOVE THAT IDEA. I have often thought about keeping a single species shrimp tank. Sulawesi shrimp are beautiful! Have you had much experience with them in community tanks?
  9. @Guppysnail there needs to be a support forum for all the non-fish spouses for all they have to endure 😆
  10. This is great 🤣 I don't have any experience with guppy grass, but I'd venture to guess it shares some of that same boundless enthusiasm for growth that duckweed seems to have mastered 😅
  11. I know the words "dream" and "10 gallon tank" are probably never paired together. 10 gallons seems super limiting right? I'm curious what you guys would do if you had endless money and energy to spend on a smaller tank size like this. I'm in the beginning stages of setting up a 10gal and I've got some ideas for it, but I want to hear yours!!
  12. Hello all! Recently I have delved deep into the lovely world of freshwater aquariums on YouTube. The fascination and wonder it has ignited within me are beyond words, and let me tell ya... my wallet may never be the same 😂 While I'm still gathering the essential gear to bring my aquascape vision to life, my mind is constantly filled with dreams of layouts, plants, stones, and the perfect inhabitants. In this journey, I'm fortunate to have an incredibly supportive husband who has cheerfully endured my non-stop chatter about my aquatic dreams. However, I'm very aware that its been the only thing I talk about, so I need another outlet before I drive him crazy. I am THRILLED about the idea of connecting and learning from the brilliant minds in this community!!
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