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Everything posted by FishRKool28

  1. Thanks for the feedback! I’ll try to lube the impeller shaft more and just let it run for a while and hopefully it will lessen the rattling noise.
  2. I emailed Fluval and they want me to send in a video which I’ll send in tonight. However, it’s def not air trapped because I initially thought that as well. It’s the impeller rattling on the shaft which is just a bad design by Fluval. The tank is in my closet so the noise isn’t a big deal but it’s just annoying that Fluval made a product like that. Anyone try any other Fluval filters that are quiet?
  3. Yea I have the lid off and it’s better, I guess Fluval doesn’t care about quality anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️.
  4. Anyone have issues with rattling noise? I literally bought this 2 days ago. I’ve read this is a common issue with these filters, I just don’t understand why Fluval wouldn’t just change the design 🤦🏻‍♂️. I’ve taken the impeller out and lubed the shaft with Vaseline, it helped a little but I still hear it. Running wo the lid on helps too but it’s just annoying that I have to even do that.
  5. Yea I ordered some Amazon Swords and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, along with some easy green, easy green root tabs and some Catava leaves. Petco is convenient for simple stuff but I buy mainly from Aquarium Co-op now
  6. Yea I’m starting from zero, new tank, new sponge filter new everything. Tank has been running about 2 weeks, but week 1 I had no live plants in there
  7. I couldn’t say, however, past 2 days have had 0 ammonia, just about 1.0 ppm Nitrite and 0 Nitrate
  8. Checking now my PH was 7.4 and you see the Nitrite and Nitrate readings, hoping to see 0 nitrite soon lol
  9. Todays readings, looks like my ph went down 👍, nitrite looks to me 1.0 ppm and 0 nitrate and 0 ammonia Took Java ferns out of gravel and glued to driftwood and lava rock, too bad aquarium co-op is out of water sprite 😢 lol.
  10. Yea I’m going to test again today after work and see where I’m at, here in Texas the water is typically 7.0-8.5 ph. I was going to order some Catappa leaves to help bring the PH down a bit
  11. Thanks I really appreciate the feedback from everyone! This tank will be a cherry shrimp tank with chili rasbora, anyone have experience with these 2 species? I will continue to post pics
  12. Appreciate the feedback. So do I just pull them out and use aquarium glue to put them on the driftwood or rock? What type of glue would you recommend? Thanks
  13. Apologies I definitely rambled, basically after test kit readings my PH was high about 7.8 and my nitrites were about 1.0 ppm. This is having the tank running for a week so far. I only had a Java moss mat in there with some driftwood and lava rock. Yesterday I bought some more live plants (Java ferns) to go in the tank and started “seasoning” the tank with community flakes. Will check water parameters when I get home today. I will continue following Seachems guide for Stability and continue to put in flakes. Watched Aquarium Co-Op nitrogen cycle yesterday and have a better understanding, thanks to all who replied!
  14. Will post pics tonight, including test strip readings
  15. Good day to all, New here, long story short… bought a beta for my son in a nano-tank. Got hooked and started watching YouTube videos and got sucked down the rabbit hole. Upgrades sons betta tank to a 5 gal, which led me to buying my own 10 gal tank that I’d like to start shrimp and neon tetra in. My question is, after over a week of letting the tank run (white aquarium gravel mixed with small pebbles, sponge filter, 2 pieces of driftwood, lava rock, and Java moss pad) my test strips still read high nitrates and nitrites, PH is about 8, water is somewhat hard. I started using Seachem Stability for beneficial bacteria growth but I still have pink nitrate and nitrite readings on test strips?? Did a 30% water change last night and will check when I get home today. Any advice or tips are welcome. I tried asking petco for a used sponge filter but they declined.
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