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Everything posted by FishRKool28

  1. Thanks! My first one excluding my sons 5 gal Betta tank. Yours looks amazing! Yea I’m pretty bummed but I’ll use this as a learning experience, praying I don’t lose anymore. RIP to the 3 that vanquished
  2. Very informative, that’s pretty much what happened. Went to petco by my work, I asked for 10 and went to pay for them and waited for the girl to meet me at the register. She came with 18 neons in one bag, I’m still a newb so I didn’t know if this was common practice 🤷🏻‍♂️. 45 min drive home, then straight to my tank to acclimate in theyre bag, 30 min later I let them out and they seemed fine. Shortly after I noticed one swimming alone, he died an hour later. My wife just checked and confirmed she sees 2 more dead fish, and said she saw another swimming alone, said the others were swimming strong together in a school and hiding less. So idk if it’s ich, stress, the neon tetra disease. My water had very low Nitrite .25ppm and no ammonia and 5ppm Nitrate, been dosing my tank with Prime and Stability daily. I have a airstone going into a sponge filter and a HOB AQ filter. I’ll post a pic
  3. Well I won’t let one dead fish deter me from the hobby, I enjoy it and I’m determined to become a solid fish keeper. Thanks for all the feedback
  4. I’m realizing more and more that patience is key in this hobby lol
  5. Do I need to do that with cherry shrimp as well? Planning on ordering some from AH
  6. Thanks for that! I think going forward I’ll do that everytime for new fish, now is that for fish from places like petco or is that all new fish even from AquaHuna?
  7. Yea I thought so as well, felt bad for the little guy. Yea I put their bag in my tank water and let it float for about 30 min to get them acclimated to temp. Praying the rest of them are alive and well when I get home from work.
  8. I bought 10 neon tetras from Petco yesterday for my 10 gallon that was basically on tail end of being cycled, 0 ammonia, .25ppm Nitrite, 5 ppm Nitrate, PH at 7.5. Well they actually gave me 18 neon tetras and all were alive for the car ride, acclimated to tank and within an hour 1 died, others seem just fine and swim together, they’re hiding as well but that’s to be expected with new fish. Could the fish die from stress or could he had other issues? Petco told me that they just got those fish in so they weren’t in Petcos tank for long when I came in to buy them. Im at work freaking out that I’m gonna come home to dead fish, and yes for past week I’ve been dosing Prime and Stability
  9. Yea I like the look of It but to your point it feels cheap holding it in my hands. I’m just gonna roll with it, maybe some point try out Fluval U2, anyone have experience with that?
  10. Yea I’ll leave all that to you lol, I turn wrenches for a living lol, I like #12 though lol. Also noticed the noise is less loud than it has been so that’s been nice
  11. I’m no engineer so I can’t speak to how they would redesign but I’d start with the rattling noise lol. I’ve just ignored it and moved on
  12. Lennie has been great with offering me advice and signing on to this forum has really helped me out. Sounds like you have a good base to start, I would recommend getting live plants that require low light, good starting point. I recommend Seachem Stability as well for beneficial bacteria, would like To see pics once you have it all setup. Good luck to you
  13. Listen to these experienced fish keepers, get a test kit of some kind or you’re basically guessing. Would sure be a major letdown if you stock your tank and your water parameters weren’t right and your fish die. Patience is key, I’m on the tail end of my tank being cycled. Ammonia is at .25ppm as of yesterday and Nitrites are 5.0 ppm and Nitrates at 5.0ppm, hoping today when I get home from work that my ammonia is gone and nitrites have dropped as well 🙏🏻. I use Stability daily
  14. Appreciate the feedback, pretty much what I needed to hear from some experienced fish keepers.
  15. Yea I think I’m being impatient and thinking too much, I stopped adding fish food 2 days ago. Just been adding Stability daily
  16. I’m probably being paranoid but, started a brand new 10 gallon about 3 weeks ago from ground zero, no used filters or anything. Been adding fish food since last Sunday 6/25, I finally got an ammonia spike last Friday and as of yesterday have about 1.0 ppm ammonia and 2.0 ppm Nitrite. I have been adding Stability since last week. Has my cycle process started now ? Am I worrying for nothing and just need to let the process run its course?
  17. From what I’ve read and I could be wrong, Fluval has had this design for several years. When I first encountered the issue I found forums from 2013 talking about this. I mean I’m no engineer, but I feel like it’s a simple fix…. Design a better motor and impeller
  18. I think it’s more the fact that I expected better quality from Fluval, I get that every product won’t be perfect but it was inconvenient. Other than the noise the filter does the job well, but to your point I’m sure I could have bought a Tetra whisper and been fine.
  19. Fluval emailed me back, they’re sending me a new motor, impeller, and lid to see if it fixes the issue 🤷🏻‍♂️. I do appreciate them getting back to me quickly and attempting to resolve the issue.
  20. Well after several days of adding fish food to my tank, I finally got an ammonia spike to about 1.5-2.0 ppm and nitrite at about 1.0-1.5 ppm. Hopefully my tank starts the cycle now 🙏🏻
  21. Got my plants in from Aquarium Coop, trying the easy green fert and root tabs and added some catava leaves. Just need this tank to finish cycling 🙏🏻
  22. I sent in a video to Fluval, I don’t think they’re going to redesign the product based off one consumer even though that would be the right thing to do. I moved on and just tune out the noise, the tank is in my closet so I don’t hear it unless I’m in there.
  23. I still need to take a video of the noise and send it to Fluval
  24. Do I need to use a lubricant or is Vaseline just fine?
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