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Dork Fish

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Everything posted by Dork Fish

  1. @Tommy Vercetti Did you get the STL from thingiverse?
  2. Well a water hose it is then LOL I am on city water so should be exact same water as from the sink. @Tommy Vercetti You just saved me a ton of heartache 🙂 Is the black piece 3D printed? If so, I might have a reason to fire up the old Prusa LOL One question that I do have for everyone is: How would you dechlorinate if filling straight from hose? Do you just add the dechlorinate to the tank before hand, then fill?
  3. So I got my wood in and came up with the scape below. I actually changed some stone placement, but I will send more pics once I 'finalize' this side. Not 100% sure where my intake is going to go for my canister filter though, or my spray bar outlet for that matter LOL Will have to come up with something clever. @nabokovfan87 Took your advice and made the arch much more noticeable from the front:
  4. @nabokovfan87 Is there not a difference between outside hose tap and indoor sink tap?
  5. @nabokovfan87 Yeah mine is "blue" seiryu stone. No blue to be found in it though, just looks a lot like black seiryu when it is wet though, so not really sure what the difference is LOL
  6. @nabokovfan87 My house is pretty small actually, so not anywhere closer to put it without the tank being inconvenient. Currently it is in the living room where a TV and entertainment center might go, which will be great for the family and guests to view 🙂 couldn't use a bathroom sink or shower without some sort of attachment.
  7. @nabokovfan87 Thanks for all the info 🙂 That last tank is almost exactly what I had in my head, didn't even know that video existed LOL. I will definitely take a look at the vids. The biggest problem I run into is only having 40lbs (25ish lbs in the pic) of stone to work with in a 75 gallon tank and 85% of the stone are also 3-4ish inches. The single primary stone in his vid is probably about as big as all mine combined LOL @mynameisnobody Very true. Definitely not going for a competition scape on a budget LOL plus a wanted an arch and a small cave structure for baby shrimp, etc. to hide in 🙂 Like I was telling @nabokovfan87 the stones I have to work with are not super great for the style scape I had in mind, so I just did what I could lol
  8. So all i currently have is a 75 gallon and a small siphon (for a 10 gallon). I could fill the 5 gallon bucket, walk it across the house, elevate it, siphon water into tank, and repeat 15 (realistically 16-17 due to not filling the bucket to the brim) more times. There has got to be a better trick though, maybe even one that doesn't include buying a submersible pump and hose. Any thoughts here?
  9. Good to know, I was thinking about which mid-ground red plant would work best in a non-CO2 tank 🙂
  10. Does anyone have an African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi)? If so, what has been your experience with them?
  11. @Stef Thank you 🙂 I plan on using 'CaribSea torpedo beach sand' a lighter off-white sand. The Sieryu darkens up quiet a bit when went so the contrast against the sand should be nice. Was thinking about not capping and just making a transition between the soil and sand with small rocks/gravel. This will allow me to carpet the front in short foreground plants. Kinda like Filipe Olivera did here: @Stef Also what kind of snail is that? Looks cool 🙂 For reference this is what his tank looked like before adding plants, sand, gravel, etc.
  12. @lefty o For sure, I am pretty happy with it for what I have to work with. Would have preferred big stone but those are crazy expensive LOL Mostly just looking for ideas, and maybe things I have not considered, this is my first hardscape so I am still learning cool tricks and techniques 🙂
  13. @Cinnebuns For sure, depending on things like pain from the chronic illness, negative affects of medication, a sickness that compounds the affects of the chronic illness, and prior sleep due to the previously mentioned; you could even start the day with just enough spoons to eat and exist. Been there many times. I will say though that having something to look forward to the next day definitely helped. For me it was my bearded dragon, scorpion, and tarantula (and now fish LOL). I cannot prove it scientifically, but having the extra source of happiness that you mentioned in your OP definitely gave me at least a couple spoons back most days 🙂
  14. I am on a budget and only had 40lbs of med-small stone to work with. What do you think of the skeleton of the hardscape? Keep in mind that I have not added the wood, plants, or sand yet. But I am definitely stoked about the little arch LOL For Wood: I will add wood so that it looks like a root system is draped down the side of the rock into the substrate For Plants: I will be adding moss to the cracks in the stone, Anubis to the areas with gaps, some carpeting plants to the base of the stone and under the archway, some mid ground plants on the side glass panel, and some tall background plants to the background. For Substrate: I will fit in the rest of the bio-stratum, then blend in some sand toward the center (Filipe Olivera style). I will then have the darker seiryu stone spikes (seen in the picture) sticking out of the sand. I will then repeat on the other corner, but a smaller feature. 🙂 I was also able to add two caves that connect under the rock (the 2 big gaps seen in the stone): Any other suggestions?
  15. @Cinnebuns I also struggle with a chronic autoimmune disease. I am not sure if you have heard of the "Spoon Theory" for chronic illness but this post made me think of that. At the end of the day, how many spoons are you willing to spend on fish and how often are you willing to spend them? Could give others a general idea of the amount of energy you are willing to part with. Link below if you have not heard of the spoon theory and wanted to check it out 🙂 https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/mental-health/spoon-theory
  16. Is CO2 needed to make reds pop?
  17. @Lillypad more puffers! and our first axolotl on the list 🙂
  18. @Jeff I have never seen a "Lamp Eye Congo Tetra" before, very cool 🙂
  19. @Odd Duck I only recently learned about "Anubias nana ‘Golden’" from everyone on the forum, very cool looking plant 🙂
  20. @Littlefish Yeah I am considering a spotted congo puffer at some point down the line thanks to @mountaintoppufferkeeper LOL @mynameisnobody I find the geophagus to be interesting @DaniV Yeah I am thinking about getting some swordtails, very interesting looking fish @anewbie Did you see @Fish Folk Ram breeding project earlier in the thread? Absolutely gorgeous fish.
  21. @mynameisnobody I also like Val 🙂 @Dutchaj That is a nice tank 🙂
  22. @Ninjoma I love that morph of angel fish! My wife also wants one that looks just like that. @mountaintoppufferkeeper Thank you! I will look around on there and see what there care requirements are 🙂 My kids are completely convinced that they need a puffer also LOL
  23. @Ninjoma Very nice tank 🙂 @Pepere See, I think you already have some nice red in there 🙂
  24. @mountaintoppufferkeeper Looks like they are bracksih 😢 fish. Almost perfect little puffer.
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