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  1. Hahaa English not Australian mate! mine takes usually about 20 minutes to drain and then the refill is maybe 2 minute as i just fill it with a jug Whilst thats happening i can do the changes on my larger tanks with more “robust” fishies in for me its just so easy, only thing i forgot to mention thats important is to not put the airstone part on the bottom of the tank, so if you forget about it which is suuuuper easy to do then it wont drain to the bottom
  2. Hey all, i just wanted to share how i do my water changes on my tiny fry tanks (currently 1 week old ricefish) as you can see in the pictures its just a piece of airline with two biggish air stones on the end, i then simply syphon the water out through that hose with the old suck method haha it does take a while but i tend to go and do other bits whilst its draining, i then just fill it back up with a small jug as these are only 2 gal tanks any thoughts on this process and how you do it? i used to try and do it by just avoiding the fry with the end of the hose but i did kill and deform a few zebra danio fry which obviously is gutting when your doing your best for them.
  3. Hi There, im pretty novice to fish breeding but ive done my fair share of breeding ricefish, zebra danios, CPD’s and have some other fish growing out for future projects. Im curious if anyone has bred for things such as faster fry growth rates? Especially with my ricefish fry ive noticed there’s a huge disparity in the size and growth rates of fry has anyone tried say pulling the top 5 or however many fastest growing fry and then breeding them together and then repeating for a few generations? And if so what were the results? I can imagine there could be problems with fish growing faster than they are “meant” too but there is probably also a sweet spot? not really planning on experimenting myself as i have limited space currently but the idea is interesting too me.
  4. I’ve tested with NT labs water test kit gh is 22 and kh is 8-9 im from the uk so unfortunately i cant get any of the coop gear yet my PH isn’t actually too bad at 7.8 from the tap and then usually settling at about 7.5 in the tank
  5. My water is 22dgh, I probably should have led with that, reckon that is okay?
  6. I always thought angelfish were more on the soft water side? Can they tolerate the harder water?
  7. Hey everyone, does anyone have any ideas on a good centrepiece fish for my 300 litre community tank so far its got 20ish zebra danios 8 whiteclouds 15 panda corydoras 1 fully grown super red bristlenose 6 honey gouramis the tank is heavily planted but unfortunately my water is hard as hell haha, so no really soft water fish unfortunately tank temp runs around 22 degrees and id like to keep to that temperature as the running costs of the heater is a problem already any recommendations?
  8. Wow thats a great name, guess it might be up to me to name them using those words because as far as I'm aware theres no more in the UK any suggestions on a nice name??
  9. Hahaa still better than mine i bet 😂
  10. So I've recently hatched these eggs and have 17 fry from a Japanese seller, hopefully the fry will grow to look something like the parent fish in the picture they were listed as “ryuushouhoushi” im aware that Ryu is dragon from my yugioh days as a child haha but other than that I'm clueless as to what this translates too! anyone on here speak Japanese and able to give me a hand also im from the UK so unfortunately you wont be able to get these imported to the US easily
  11. But what i wamt to know is if i put them together as a temporary thing, then i split them back up and say didnt harvest any eggs for a week or two, and then harvested eggs from the two respective groups would they be okay, or are they like guppies that hold the genetic material of all previous mates and so could no longer create “pure” lines
  12. Hey everyone! got into medaka breeding last year but so far ive only bred the orange strain ive recently ordered a fancy strain from Japan, theyre black bodies with a red head with long fins (pretty sure the name is red dragon but there was a bit of language barrier between me and the seller hahaa) but ive managed to get 17 fry from the eggs but the main question i have is once they have grown up could they be mixed with other strains if when it comes to breeding them i just seperate them back out from the other strains or are they like guppies where if you mixed two strains you would ruin the genetics even if you seperated them back out? hopefully ive explained that question well enough haha
  13. My display tank seems to be magic amd has zero algae, used to suffer from hair algae but made a few adjustments to my fertiliser schedule and now I haven’t seen a spot of algae in months would that be a problem for SAE’s?
  14. Ooo rainbow shiners is a really good call! I have got a 50 litre with about 15 CPD’s in my bedroom in that i was considering breeding, although i would worry they would be outcompeted for food. But i could always try them and then pull them out if its not workimg
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