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Adam H

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  1. Just wanted to offer an update. After a three day black out period, where the only think I've changed was I added a new sponge filter in prep for using Fitz's slime out, and adding a new UV sterilizer I found my tank to be spotless when I went to add the Fritz
  2. Something I didn't think of till just now. I have a UV filter pump in my tank that has been in there for the last 2 years. What are the odds that the light being burnt out could be a reason why suddenly I have this outbreak of BGA, and if so would that help to curb and maybe remedy this?
  3. Since reading these replies I've increased the return flow from my filter to max, and ordered a filter/powerhead to place in the 1 corner of the tank that i don't see much movement of the plants. Prior to posting on here I had ordered some plecos to help with getting into the substrate, plus more cleaning crew mates(cherry shrimps, octos and such). I also ordered that fritz slime out. Any suggestions with the lighting? Would making any tweaks to that do anything to help with my new tank friend?
  4. Hello all, I am hoping you could help me with identifying this algae I've recently noticed in my 120 gallon tank. It is very fast growing and within a day or two of my removing it from the glass, substrate and plants, it is right back where it was. It is slimy and comes off very easy almost in a sheet when I use my glass scrapper. My water parameters show: iron:0 copper:0 Nitrates:50 Nitrites:0 GH:75 KH:120 PH:6.4 I have included my light program to help with suggestions on things I can do to help prevent future growth. Thank you all in advance
  5. Good Morning everyone. I am hoping someone can help me. I planted my Monte Carlo's about 2 1/2 weeks ago. My tank has been cycled and up and running with other plants and fish/shrimp for last year plus. I planted them in fluval plant and shrimp stratum over top a layer of gravel. I've tried to get a carpet going in my tank a few times in past and was really hoping this would be the time. I dose the tank with aquarium coop's root tabs and easy green, and I have CO2 pumped in the tank as well. For lighting I have fluval fresh & plant 800mm set to Pascoes's day program. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  6. Hello all, first noticed this about a week or so ago. At first my wife and I misidentified them as tetra eggs(have since found out we were wrong. I've been looking online and found possibilities from bio film to white algae, to fungus or bacteria. The tank is 120 gallons with varieties of mollies, tetras, shrimp and barbs. I also have a wide variety of plants from water sprite, crypto wendtii, micro swords and pogo octopus. I currently use root tabs, easy green and have an inline co2 diffuser. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Recently converted from a cichlid tank to community. This is my first foray into live plants. I did just go through a bout of Cyanobacteria. My nitrates are still elevated but I am treating that.
  8. I currently just use auto mode and switched to these last night after reading other posts here. Prior it was factory defaults
  9. Hello all. I am so glad I found this forum. I was wondering if anyone could help me with my light settings for my tank. I have a 120 gallon tank that is ~24" tall and ~48" wide. I currently have a few val, some Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green and monte carlo for carpeting. I am using easy green root tabs and all in one for fertilizers. For light I have a fluval plant 3..0, 6500K 48". I have gone through a couple issues of algae growths and currently have an issue with hair algae growth. Any suggestions for what settings I should use to promote plant growth and limit algae? Thank you in advance.
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