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Posts posted by FLFishChik

  1. I managed to get 2/3 of my 8ft x 4ft raised garden bed weeded. Doesn’t seem like much but when your taking care of an incapacitated spouse, haven’t really been active in 18 months since taking an at home job and have multiple animals to look after… it’s monumental. Will finish the rest tomorrow and hopefully get some veggies planted this weekend!


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  2. Coffee with the fishes. My favorite time of day. Tried to get some good shots of the Rummynose Rasbora, but it’s like they sense the moment my finger presses the button and they dart off. Little goobers

    Congo tetra are starting to get the outlines in their tails and dorsal… hoping I have more than 2 males. 

    Lemon Tetra aren’t very Lemony looking… more yellow in the pics than in person, hoping they gain more color. 











  3. Well, let’s start with the basics. What’s your budget? Do you have a light?

    Your tank may or may not be cycled with a nitrite reading of 0.5 ppm. I’m leaning towards “not fully cycled”. You should have a reading of ammonia 0, nitrites 0, and nitrates under 20 ppm. If you aren’t seeing any nitrates, then your tank probably isn’t cycled just yet.

    as for stocking- you’ll be very limited on what you can keep in a 5.5g. 

    While a single Bronze Cory will technically fit, they are happier and less stressed in groups of at least 3 (though 6 are recommended)  which will be far too much for a 5.5g tank and would be more suited to a minimum tank size of 10g (20g is better).

    as for the current tank… you could do a single Betta with a Nerite or Mystery snail and a couple of Ghost shrimp. That’s about the limit. 

      You may want to consider upgrading to a 10g so that you have more options as far as stocking goes. Petco regularly has sales on tanks and you can pick one up for about $12.

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  4. Well, everything seems to be going well. Got some growing pains happening, but I expected that. Water gets cloudy, then clear, then cloudy… I suspect I am over feeding (trying to make sure everyone gets some food) so I’ve reduced the amount I give at feedings. Probably need to add quite a few more plants to help with water quality. I keep testing every other day just to make sure everything is good.

    Did have a Congo Tetra that developed some white fuzzy growth on his/her body at the base of the dorsal fin and at the tail. Netted him/her out (that was a joy - not) and into a hospital tank with low dose of aquarium salt for 5 days. Fuzzies seem to be fine. Did a 30% water change and am now waiting the 7 days before I do another to see if comes back. So far, everyone else in the big tank seem to be doing well- no fuzzies.

    I’ve never had this many fish at once, so figuring out how much to feed is brand new territory. The Tetras are eating machines. They swarm the top of the tank anytime I walk by. The Rummynose Rasbora aren’t as eager and tend to hang towards the back, unwilling to participate in the feeding frenzy. They are the reason I think I may be over feeding as I’m so afraid they won’t get to the food. I really need to dial it in though. They are beautiful though and now I want an entire tank full of them. I’m surprised I don’t see more of them in the hobby. Those colors are stunning.

    Corys and Kuhli do their thing… always busy. Mango, the Lemon Blue Eye BN Pleco is steadily growing… I am now more certain that Mango is female- not a bristle in sight.

    added a 2nd Aquasky to the tank (Amazon lost the original order, sent a replacement, then the “lost” one showed up- score) so, since one light didn’t seem to be really lighting both front and back of the tank, I solved that issue… now all the tanks imperfections are illuminated for the world to see. Brilliant.

     The Vallisneria has FINALLY started to grow upwards. Man, do I struggle with that dang plant. Seems everyone else thinks it’s an easy plant, but then again, I seem to be able to grow Crypts without issue and haven’t had one really melt yet. Go figure. The Buce is… bucing, the Java Fern stopped making babies. Thinking about adding some taller stem plants but not sure which ones just yet.

     I did add an Aponogeton Ulvaceus that did nothing for almost 2 weeks but, now seems to be shooting up a new leaf every other day. Looking forward to seeing how it grows out.








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  5. On 4/27/2024 at 8:39 PM, clownbaby said:

    There is no way you couldn't love this tank. Oh my goodness. Honestly - I am stunned. This tank really is so calm and relaxed -- it does not strike me, but yet it truly stuns me. It is just beautiful, in the most subtle way. My favorite part of your tank is... the whole thing. This is amazingly beautiful.

    What is the stocking / planned stocking? What are the plants you've had the most success with?

    Oh my gosh, these are both amazing tanks. Crypts are really starting to make me excited - I am so tempted to rescape my tank and incorporate some crypts. Any species you recommend? I know wendtii is super popular. 

    On your 75g, I cannot help but fall in love. Those rocks are beautiful and so intricate! Did you purchase those or find them? The wood piece is equally as amazing!

    Screenshot2024-04-275_42_09PM.png.bdbcc865f69dbb773f4519bfc3bbc657.pngWhat plant is this???!!! I am in love with it so much!!!

    P.S (sorry for all the questions) what fish are in your 75g omg they're so cuteeeee!!!!


    I have several different Crypts in both tanks but my fav by far is Crypt “Tropica”. It’s just beautiful.

    The jagged looking rocks in the 75g were purchased at Petsmart in a bag and called “Mountain Stone”. The smooth ones are “Mexican Beach Pebbles” and were purchased at Home Depot. I was originally going to use them in my garden, but decided I needed more rocks in my aquarium 😁

    the wood is 3 separate pieces- the light colored center one is actually fake ( I didn’t think about how it wouldn’t change color over time like real wood does). I purchased it at PetSmart because I could not find a real one tall enough. The ones on either side are real Spider Wood, also purchased from PetSmart


    the small plant you zoomed in on is Buce. I think it’s “Brownie”, but not entirely sure 

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  6. I've have 4 Oto's in my 29g tank for 2 years and I rarely see them except once the tank lights are out. I *can* find them if I look really hard, they are usually stretched out on a Driftwood limb and blending in almost perfectly or inside one of the caves created by the spiderwood in the tank. Every now and then I will question whether I may have lost one or two.. only to see them all on the glass either very early in the morning before the lights come on or very late at night after the lights go out. They don't seem to like being out in the open and hang out in the heaviest planted parts of the tank. Sometimes, I can lure them out with some zucchini.

  7. I don’t use it in my tanks. While I love a dense, well planted scape, I keep it simple and put my focus on the inhabitants. The plants I use are low light, low maintenance… a lot of epiphytes, crypts, Vallisneria. A root tab every now and then and some Easy Green liquid pretty much does the trick. 

     It just comes down to “I don’t want to be bothered with”… possible ammonia spikes, murky water, extra critters( tho it’s probably not that big of an issue), worrying about light levels, if I need Co2… I like it simple. The Less work, the more enjoyable for me

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  8. Ah, Pea Puffers. Well, you *can* technically keep up to 4 in a 15g tank (5g for the first one, additional 3g for each Puffer after that.).

    Pea puffers can become territorial… so you will need to provide sight breaks and vegetation for them to be comfortable.

    Feeding… they prefer Live foods like Bladder Snails and Ramshorn Snails and it’s a good idea to have an established source for these as each Pp will eat 3-5 at a feeding. I speak from experience on this. I had two 5g tanks set up to farm snails. 1 for Ramshorn and 1 for bladder snails. You’ll need a month or two to get a good population going before getting your pea puffers.

    Pea puffers are NOTORIOUSLY difficult to transition to prepared foods like flakes or pellets. So you will need things like Frozen Blood Worms, Frozen Brine Shrimp, Frozen Mysis Shrimp etc. to supplement the snails. You can also culture your own white worm, black worm and grindal worms if you are up for it.

    They are also *mostly* wild caught and even when they aren’t, they tend to come with mega intestinal parasites (again… speaking from experience) you WILL need to quarantine and most likely deworm them regardless if the original breeder has “dewormed” them previously.

    though they are promoted as “beginner” fish, they are not. They are “beginner” if you’re experienced with other fish and are looking to get your feet wet in the puffer realm, but they are work.

     If you take the time to prepare in advance, do your research, make sure you have the necessary tank requirements, the necessary meds for your quarantine and deworming process, and the necessary foods your puffers will need and keep the water pristine, then yes- you can have more than 1 Pea puffer in a 15g tank.

    Trust me when I say that the better prepared you are BEFORE your Puffers arrive, the better off both you and they will be.  

    I do not say any of this to discourage you at all… but I want to try and save you the heartbreak I suffered when trying to save 8 puffers after having been told they had been “quarantined and dewormed “ only to lose all 8 in a months time. I mistakenly thought that would be enough. By the time I realized and started treating, it was too late. @Odd Duck can probably give you the step by step on how to do the initial quarantine and deworm because they were very, very helpful when I was desperate to save mine 

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  9. On 4/20/2024 at 7:07 PM, Maya said:

    Hey! I was gifted a Beta fish which has been living in a bowl for the past week 😞

    I want to give him a better home so I ordered a 5 gallon tank with lights, a filter, and a heater. I’m using sand as a substrate…

    Now, I have a few questions.

    1. What kind of plants can I have that don’t require soil? 

    2. Can my male beta fish have any tank mates?

    3. The lady at petsmart told me that I can cycle my tank by filling it up with declorinated water and then adding some fishbowl water and wait for 5 days. Is this an okay way to cycle my tank? Also, what test kit should I get?

    Im pretty new to fish-keeping and my mom always had us raise fish in a bowl, which I knew wasn’t healthy.

    Please let me know what I can do to help my fish thrive in a 5 gallon tank!

    Hello! Congrats on your new Betta. To answer your questions…

    1. Epiphyte plants do not require any substrate and can be glued or tied to rocks and driftwood. Anubias, Java Fern and Buce are all epiphytes. Betta appreciate broad leaf plants like Anubias as they will often use them as resting spots.

    2. Yes, your Betta can have tank mates, but you will be very limited by the size of tank. A Nerite or Mystery snail and maybe a couple of larger shrimp (depending on your Betta) will be about all you’ll be able to house in a 5g tank with your Betta

    3. cycling a tank is a little more than just adding water from the bowl. If there is gravel you may want to consider adding a scoop of that into the tank as well (put it in a piece of pantyhose and tie it off and place it close to the filter), this will help get some beneficial bacteria going. You might want to invest in a bottled bacteria like Seachem stability, Fritzzyme 7 or Tetra Safestart to help it along.

    4. You’re going to need to get some water testing supplies. Either the API master test kit or the ACO test trips (both the Ammonia Strips and the Multi strips). You’ll need to test the water often for Ammonia,Nitrites and Nitrates and do water changes accordingly- especially if you are planning to add your Betta right away. Here is a good place to learn how to cycle your aquarium using several different methods…


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  10. On 4/20/2024 at 12:49 PM, jodip said:

    I'd there are no fish in the tank, can there be detritus worms?

    Absolutely. They can hitchhike on plants, snails, driftwood, soil… media taken from another tank. They are perfectly normal part of an aquarium. 

  11. I live in Fl with about the same weather temperature wise. You can do Guppy’s in a patio pond but keep these things in mind…

    shade- your going to want to keep it mostly shaded, especially in the summer. Small ponds don’t take long to heat up. I have mine under a large patio umbrella but there is an hour or 2 in late afternoon when the sun gets to it

    Oxygen. You’ll definitely want an air stone to keep the water oxygenated to help keep the water cooler. I even have a small HOB filter on mine (mostly for the water sound) but it help with surface agitation and discouraging mosquitoes. 

    plants. So fish can escape to some shade if needed

    feed less during warmer months.

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  12. Lort! Well, I would like to remind you that you ASKED for this… I take no responsibility for your reaction 😂

    I feed twice daily

     Morning feeding I cycle between 3 Staple foods and evening feedings between 2 Bottom feeder foods and 5 frozen/freeze dried foods 

    mornings are 1 of 3  : Xtreme Nano Pellets,  Bug Bites Pellets or Bug Bites flakes

    evenings for bottom feeders are either Xtreme Bottom Feeder wafers or Repashy (Soilent green, Bottom Scratchers, or Community plus- whichever I made that week)

    evenings for the rest of the tank is 1 of 5: freeze dried Tubifex worms  Frozen Brine Shrimp, Frozen Baby Brine, Frozen Mysis Shrimp or Frozen Blood worms

    Once or twice a week I toss in a blanched or canned veggie (cucumber, zucchini or green beans) for the Otocinclus and BN Pleco

    Sundays is fasting day


    Yes, I know I’m extra

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