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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @nabokovfan87 Thanks for sharing those! Very interesting!
  2. I use a bucket in the sink, a pond pump in the bucket, and attached to the pond pump is the Python hose running to the tank. I remember having to figure out faucet flow rate and the distance I was going with the Python hose in order to select the proper pond pump. But it works great. No spill water changes. Also I use one of those digital meat thermometers at the faucet to make sure the temp is the same as the tank. Prior to doing any water replacement, I add the dechlorinator right to the tank; the dosage that matches the amount of water I'm replacing.
  3. @JoeQ does that mean there is a film or something on top of the water preventing the bubbles from popping?
  4. I cleaned my Marineland Penguin biowheel 200 filter box the other day. I used a little bottle brush that came with the cat's water fountain pump to get into the impeller to remove the gunk, since it doesn't come apart like other filters do. Well, after the cleaning it ran for 30 minutes and then quit. Do you think there is a way to fix it or no? I'm not savvy with filter mechanics. The filter is 16 years old, but it sat unused for 5 of those years, approx. Maybe I moved something out of alignment: a gear or whatnot? It's not pulling water into it now. Replaced with a Fluval which I quite like; it's nice and quiet and low profile, but I'd like to fix the biowheel up if I can, to have a spare.
  5. I will just keep the level where it is then. It makes it easy for me to peek in and spot the clutches anyway. I will try to get a little timeline together and some more photos of my setup, and then I will start the journal and tag you. 🙂
  6. @Guppysnail That's a great idea! I have been keeping my water level 1" below the top of the tank because the nerite likes to chill out up there, and it keeps him out of the filter. Suppose I filled the tank. Do you think the mystery snail would stop laying eggs, or do you think she would try to climb onto the bottom of the lid instead?
  7. Another clutch this morning. This would be clutch 3. This one I froze. The first clutch was tiny; smaller than a marble. The other was the size of a AA battery. Those 2 I will hatch. I gave the snail a calcium chip for her efforts. 🙂
  8. @Guppysnailthanks so much! I will follow along with the videos and see what happens!
  9. @Guppysnail help!! Mystery snail laid another clutch overnight! A lot bigger! Can you help me figure out next steps? I’m incubating in the Tupperware and have the breeder box for the next phase. How to equip the breeder box? Water circulation? Airstone? Sand? I do plan to throw in Java moss.. What size grow out tank after that? Water change frequency? Slightly freaking out.. lol.
  10. Seriously? How exciting! Here they are today.
  11. If your water is soft you can consider adding crushed coral to the tank.
  12. The nitrites were > 0. Adding bacteria to the water is a great idea at this stage.
  13. Did I tell you that once I started doing nice stuff for aquarium snails, snails have been showing up at my door? Either next to the front door or the back sliding door, on the glass or the screen. One snail will show up at a time. I have to move them to the garden or they will dry out. (For example, I cooked food for 1 aquarium snail. And then garden snail shows up at door next day.) So last night I set up the mystery snail incubator, and this morning I wake up to TWO snails on the back door! I think this is a sign. I have a fan club, and I’m meant to hatch these mystery snails.
  14. That is crazy! I’m going to incubate these. Let’s hope for the best! 🤞
  15. A rarity- I moved my HOB filter today. Actually I took it to the sink to do maintenance. Anyway found this clutch of mystery snail eggs behind the outflow and I want to know how I can tell if they are viable? They could have been there for months or days. i also should mention I only have ONE mystery snail. And one Nerite. Hmm…
  16. You guys... I am over the moon🌙 about this mom & pop shop product! The shop, though, is on Etsy. I know, I know.. we said "physical" mom & pop shop (and I shop at my LFS too, don't worry).. But still! This is a water diverter! How cool is this?! When you use a hose (such as Python) to refill your tank, this protects your aquascaping by dispersing the water. Before, my tank refills would dig a hole in my sand, even if I kept the hose end up near the top of the tank. And the snail was not impressed by these dust storms if he was in the vicinity 😜. I bought this product, tried it, and it works like a dream. Less disruption to the fishes and snails too; nobody gets pushed around. The seller uses fish safe 3d printing medium (pla) to make these. He also sells a lid prop, a test tube holder, and other stuff that makes our lives easier every day in our fish rooms!
  17. Nah, you’re good. I have the same. The sand forms a cap on the gravel and it is even extra filtration which benefits your tank. Just don’t siphon like you would plain gravel. You should angle your gravel vac so it sucks just the detritus off the top of the sand.
  18. I realized it is hard to quarantine for 1 month! I'm so excited for my newbies to join the display tank, but I know it's for the best to keep them "socially distanced".
  19. Hard boiled egg yolk is a good fry food. Mix with a little bit of tank water and feed the solution to them. Some of the yolk may remain in bigger chunks. Do not put the chunks in the tank. Only the stuff that suspends in the water mixture.
  20. Definitely all roots and rhizome are exposed to the water. When I put glue I did it kind of on the side of a stem.
  21. I attempted to use thread but my vision is not good enough to work with it.
  22. Only one of my Java fern is turning brown. I use 3 pumps Easy Green every week in a 29 gallon tank. Any ideas? Root systems look good and they are even making babies on the ends of their leaves. ph 7.5 amm 0 Nitrite 0 NItrate 5 kH 80 gH 180 not sure why only 1 is affected?
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