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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 6/8/2022 at 9:18 AM, sweetpoison said:

    I was reading about Planaria🤮. I hate them so much!!  I’ve never had them in any of my tanks but I know people who have. Did you know if you cut one in half they will multiply🥴

    It’s like you know the gremlins don’t feed after midnight😂

    Well.... have fun with that.  😳   LOL!

  2. On 6/7/2022 at 12:09 AM, Torrey said:

    You just named The Reluctant Nerm's™ childhood trauma. Abuelita had one of the illegal pomme variety that get big... like apple, or kid's fist sized big. Abuelita would reward it for coming up to say hello, by feeding it hot dog

    LOL! Oh my goodness!


    On 6/7/2022 at 12:09 AM, Torrey said:

    [formerly Patient Spouse™, upgraded to Reluctant Nerm™

    Can you send me the upgrade instructions? I seem to have an older model who shorts out when I say the “S word”. I told him it’s only gonna get worse when these eggs hatch, because I will have like 100 “S” things to discuss. 


    On 6/7/2022 at 12:09 AM, Torrey said:

    Of course, Houdini (zebra nerite) went on walk-a-bout first night here.... earning Houdini his name as well as his place in spouse's T4' tank: it has a locking lid

    That’s a fantastic name for a Nerite. Half the time I don’t know where mine is. He’s super stealthy. This is what I did to cover my gaps; it’s plastic mesh found in the crafting section - 6 sheets for less than 3 bucks. It works for adult snails but I wouldn’t recommend it for baby snails. 


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  3. On 6/8/2022 at 10:30 AM, sweetpoison said:

    the filters would automatically pick up the water and continue

    Yeah, I think I'm going to switch back to my Marineland filter because I know that it will continue on after the power returns. This filter is annoying me.

    On 6/7/2022 at 7:18 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    It's underrated how many HoBs can be saved by running just sponge instead of cartridges.  One day the big guys will figure it out besides just AC/Seachem.

    Cartridges = profit. They are stuck in their ways because they see dollar signs.

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  4. On 6/8/2022 at 9:37 AM, JettsPapa said:

    Are you sure it's running?

    Yeah.. it's a known issue with the AquaClear (AC).  Further up in this thread, other people have complained about the same issue with the AC. 👎

    I've got it on a battery backup now.

  5. On 6/8/2022 at 9:29 AM, sweetpoison said:

    Now will York eat that entire carrot?

    Will she go to the top with it or just walk around and nibble?

    She probably would; she is a little oinker! But I read somewhere that snails can eat until they experience discomfort, so after 3 hours I took it away.  She stayed on the bottom with it, but carried it here & there. It was too cute and funny. I just love watching her. Yesterday she was parasnailing off the glass and the driftwood. She takes shortcuts to the bottom of the tank; she just lets go of whatever she is on. Sometimes I think she lands kind of awkwardly, but then she just keeps cruisin' along.


    On 6/8/2022 at 9:29 AM, sweetpoison said:

    question for you since you’re the expert

    I'm the noob. I think @Guppysnail is the expert. She's hatched snails before and has been super helpful with sharing her knowledge, experience, and tips!

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  6. On 6/6/2022 at 11:45 AM, sweetpoison said:

    There’s no way to set the temperature

    Some thermometers auto set to a certain temperature.

    On 6/6/2022 at 4:03 PM, sweetpoison said:

    how long does it take for the tanks to clear up weeks,  months?

    At 2:04 in this video, I like the strainer the guy made. It prevents a disruption of the substrate when refilling the tank. Perhaps you can make something like this, then do a few water changes to clear your water up?

    I love the "forest" you created.

    • Like 1
  7. Today my quarantine gang has moved into paradise 🙂

    They are enjoying a gentle sunrise there.

    I added black neons since my one lone wolf lost his buds to ick a few months ago. I also introduced a Bolivian ram which has an adorable personality.

    The usual gang are pristella tetras, a mystery snail named York (she's the "Big Apple"), and a zebra nerite snail named Hampshire.

    29 gallons

    For plants we’ve got Java fern, Java moss, and micro sword.

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  8. I’m guessing I already know the answer to this question but.. does aquarium salt kill the bacteria on the sponge filter? Asking because I am usually at a 0 ammonia for my quarantine tank and several days after I added “level one” amount of salt, I got an ammonia reading for the first time.  0.5 ppm

    The ranchu sure is cute.

  9. I agree, try to quarantine him first. You can do it in a bucket or a plastic box, as long as there have been never been any chemicals in whatever container you are using.  Add air and heater, sponge filter. Set it up like a regular tank. Measure your water level. 10 gal if you can if you are dosing meds directly in the water. The medication instructions usually start at 10 gallon.

    @Colu I really like your suggestion of medicating the food instead of the water. I'm sure that is less stressful to the fish.


  10. On 6/7/2022 at 2:26 PM, JettsPapa said:

    I've seen some reports that coating the shaft with food grade grease helps.

    Thanks @JettsPapa. My issue is that during a power failure, all of the water leaves the filter. Then when the power comes back on, the filter is running with no water in it, and that's what makes the noise. It is a problem when I'm not home because I cannot prime the pump by dumping water into the filter box.

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  11. I have several UPS sitting around. I could either hook one up to the Aquaclear, or I could take the Aquaclear back because I only bought it last week.  I have another filter I can use that doesn't dump water in outages.

    P.S. @Wrencher_Scott your profile pic is BEAUTIFUL. 😍

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  12. On 1/24/2021 at 2:54 AM, David Ellsworth said:

    In power outages you would have the aquaclear running dry until you catch it, so there is that.

    So yeah, yesterday I came home to find my Aquaclear grinding and the clocks flashing from a storm that had rolled through. I am sure it was running dry for hours.  Is there REALLY no way to prevent this?  We need some kind of hack for this nonsense.  I'm in FL and it is storm season.

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