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Fancy goldfish and filtration


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Hi I have two fancy goldfish (an Oranda and a Ranchu) and they are thriving. I am wondering if I am over filtering their tank. I have some live plants (anubia, Java fern, Crinum Calamistratum, and moneywort). My current filtration is a small Aquaclear 20 which is filled with a sponge filter, 2 plastic pot scrubbies and filter floss and I have the large aquarium coop sponge. I am also running 3 airstones. I am just curious if I could get by with the just the sponge filter or no? Thank you in advance

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Goldfish are messy fish I have 12in goldfish and he produces  a lot  waste I have external canister filter fluval 307 ziss 300f bubble filter what you need to account for is the bigger they more waste they produce more filtration you will need 

Edited by Colu
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it doesnt sound like to much, goldfish do not like flow so just make sure you do not have to much flow on the tank. it sounds like plenty of filtration for two goldfish however, between them and the plants they will do most of the heavy lifting. Goldfish will continuously break down waste until its very fine since they will just keep eating ever scrap. 

If you notice them being pushed around then you have to much flow, they should be able to stop in one place if they want to rest. 


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