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One Lonely Hatchet Fish


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The quarantine tank has been cycled and running for months.  Knowing Hatchet fish are mostly wild caught I was ready with frozen and freeze dried blood worms, small Bug Bites and live black worms.  I bought four Marbled Hatchet fish and two days later there is only one survivor. ☹️
If this little guy pulls through—should I get him silver Hatchets for companions?  They seem to be more prevalent in LFS and one store has had a group of them for at least a month.  I bought the only Marbled ones they had.

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I have kept Silver Hatchet fish, Common Hatchet fish, and Marbled Hatchet fish at different times, the reason why many have problems with the Marbled Hatchet fish is that it needs pH levels from 5.6 to 6.5, above that they aren't doing so well and their immune system is stressed and susceptible to diseases. Whenever I kept Hatchets I tried to keep them in groups no smaller than seven, and with plenty of floating plants. Hatchets don't like changes in water parameters and while you keep them your water test kits will be your best friends.

Here's a link that might provide you with some good info on all three varieties of Hatchet fish commonly offered for sale:


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1 hour ago, Jungle Fan said:

I have kept Silver Hatchet fish, Common Hatchet fish, and Marbled Hatchet fish at different times, the reason why many have problems with the Marbled Hatchet fish is that it needs pH levels from 5.6 to 6.5, above that they aren't doing so well and their immune system is stressed and susceptible to diseases. Whenever I kept Hatchets I tried to keep them in groups no smaller than seven, and with plenty of floating plants. Hatchets don't like changes in water parameters and while you keep them your water test kits will be your best friends.

Here's a link that might provide you with some good info on all three varieties of Hatchet fish commonly offered for sale:


Thank you!  I will check this link out.  They are cute delicate little things.  But I do not want to kill them if they need different water than what I have.  

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