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20gallon ideas??


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Hey @Adamjpon. For a good centerpiece for a 20 gallon cube, I would consider a honey gourami. It is a peaceful fish that stays small and has great colors. Another option would be the dwarf gourami. If you need some functionality, I would consider something like an albino bristlenose pleco or something similar. It will eat algae, but also has a bright color to it. The only problem is that bristlenose get slightly to big for a 20 gallon cube (they might need a larger tank, like a 20 gallon long as they grow older). So instead I would opt for something small but flashy like a guppy or endler's livebearer. They stay small, but also provide a lot of color. They can be helpful because they will eat some algae as well. They also breed, which could be a pro or a con depending on your opinion.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

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Perhaps increase the number of neon tetras and/or add cherry shrimp.   A solid group of neon tetras are absolutely stunning.  Maybe increase your size of your neon group to fifteen.   The cherry shrimps will help add some functionality and a different look.

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When getting cherry shrimp, if you can, try to get them from a home breeder in your area.  Home breed cherry shrimp tend to do so much better.  If you do decide to go with an online vendor, I personally have liked the shrimp I have gotten from Aqua Huna. They have great customer service and generally excellent stock.  

Also cherry shrimp may take a bit to settle in to your tank and start breeding, sometimes they will breed off the bat but at times it may take a few months for them to settle in.  

There are some excellent videos from Aquarium Co Op that you can watch about cherry shrimp, if you are interested. I also like watching Mark's Shrimp Tank youtube channel for info too on them. 

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