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Sponge filter know how


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If you can visually see buildup of mold, detritus, etc on the sponge surface that is discoloring it, clean it out. Every two weeks, squeeze it out. We like to get a couple pails of tank water to squeeze it in, but some people claim no problems with squeezing out under tap water. Cory posted a demo video on cleaning out sponge filters recently: 



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They are pretty cheap to purchase and operate.  Some people will use two.  Cleaning one every week while cleaning glass, changing water and doing regular tank maintenance.  And then the following week clean the other one.  Either using tap water or tank water.  
Also the benefits of having extra sponge filters that are cycled.  
01.  Sick fish and need a QT tank you have the filter.

02.  That impulse purchase and need another tank.

03.  Another of your tank crashes.

04. A friend needs a cycled filter.   

and so on.    


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