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Are these ramshorn snail eggs?


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I noticed large amounts of egg sacks? forming on my Italian Val. Are they by any chance ramshorn snail eggs? The eggs are extremely tiny, like little white dots and are hard for the eye to see. We also have rummynose and albino cardinal tetras, and sterbai corydoras in the tank. The fish don't seem to care about these eggs. 

Thank you!



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38 minutes ago, MickS77 said:

Seems likely seeing as you have some in there already. I've found these to be a great cleaner snail in my tanks. They reproduce faster when excess food is present. 

Yea mine hitched hiked on some plants! Was surprised to find them there. But hey free is free and I desperately need some cleaners.

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32 minutes ago, Yanni said:

I don't know if they are ramshorn snails. Snails like to lay their eggs in clutches and usually, the eggs are clearish. I think those might be some cory eggs

Yea I was trying to find some ramshorn egg pictures online and the internet pictures seem bigger and more dense than the ones I have. Hence I'm asking here. I guess we will hopefully find out the mystery eventually. 

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