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New tank idea


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Ok so a 17 gallon heavily planted rimless tank with driftwood and rocks. For plants Bacopa Caroliniana, Christmas moss, Cryptocoryne Wendtii, Anubias Nana, and Dwarf Hairgrass. For livestock 2 Nerite snails, 4 Otocinclus, 6 Ember Tetras, 3 Dwarf Gouramis(Powder Blue/Blue/Neon Blue) and a colony of Rili Shrimp. Do you think the fish will work? Is that to much for a 17 gallon? Thoughts?

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Sounds good to me. I’d do 1 Nerite instead of 2, gives a chance for 4 Oto’s to thrive in your tank. Oto’s can be a finicky feeders until they settle into a captive environment so ensure the tank is well seasoned with algae for them before buying them.


I’d push those Tetras up a little, they have a very small impact on bioload because you don’t need to feed them a whole lot. Maybe 8 of them.


With the Gourami’s, shoot for 1:2 M:F ratio. Female Powder Blues are pretty chill, males not so much. The fish together should all work but don’t tax your environment by adding them all at once.

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I second @Levi_Aquatics and @HardeepTheLondoner.

4 otos in that tank will need to be fed constantly--which is ok, except they don't always accept algae substitutes. If you are set on 4, wait until your tank is drowning in algae, particularly the slimy diatom algae that they love. That will at least give them a solid boost of their favorite food while they acclimate, and then you can have many options available to offer as they run out. Keep trying anything and everything to get them to eat. You gotta be an Italian fish grandma--"Eat, baby, EAT! You are too skinny!"

Also, more tetras, 3 gouramis--or just one. Add them at the very last thing so all the more docile fish are well settled. As the plants fill in you will have more success adding fish due to increased hiding places and increased nitrate uptake.

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I have 3 Ottos in a 36 gal bow front. When I put them in there the biofilm was everywhere and they made short work of it! 
So, I brazed some zucchini and cucumber for them. 
I wanted the Hillstream Loaches but they are hard to get. Now I would feel bad about kicking out the Ottos! They’re a great worker and fun to watch. They even swim in school with the Rummynoses! 

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