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Mollies from chain store - aquarium salt or marine salt? And meds questions

Kelly S

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My lfs doesn't tend to get mollies, so I got some from a chain store. Nice clean tanks, etc, but I'm sure they're farmed fish. My water is hard, and I've added some aquarium salt to the quarantine tank. Is that sufficient, or should I pick up some marine salt and use that when I change water?

Also, will either salt option affect the quarantine meds trio, or levamisole, which I intend to use later? How many water changes until I can consider the first meds out of the water enough to do the levamisole? Thank you!!

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I dont medicate when quarinting, I just wait 4-6 weeks and make sure the fish are healthy and then add them to the display tank. Salt will work too and no it won't effect the med trio. I would do the med trio for one week, wait a week follow and then follow up on a another paraclense treatment. You could do the levamisole when doing the paraclense treatment. This would take 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks, so persnaolly I just wouldn't medicate them.

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