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Red spot disease, or something else?

Liliana Araoz

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So I found out this white molly has what I believe is red spot disease (correct me if wrong)
I have qt her in a 2.5g ...(my hospital tank is full of angelfish babies)
 I thought at the beginning it was like, ...her guts showing or something because she’s so light colored she looks a bit translucent ☹️, but I noticed her head slightly changed to pink ish... but today is red and her side has a red spot too.
I am treating with erythromycin, and added a bit of aquarium salt. But any other advice appreciated ❤️  
She's one of my fav fish, I have her in a 60 gallon community tank. I have her with 2 veil angels, 2 more mollies, a hillstream loach, a yoyo loach and a bunch of black neons (8 or 9) and zebra danios (also 8 ish), 8 ottos, 10 nerites and a shitload of mini ramshorns (the itty bitty ones). It's a heavily planted tank. Everybody else is perfectly fine. There is no aggression from anyone (I observe a lot)
pH 7.4, ammonia/nitrites 0, nitrates 25-30 ish.
I did a wc yesterday, 50%
Thank you in advance!




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This could've been an injury, or it might be something internal, either way   

14 hours ago, Liliana Araoz said:

I am treating with erythromycin, and added a bit of aquarium salt.

I would just keep the treatment up and monitor everything.  Not much but to wait and see at this point.

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5 hours ago, Mr_Manifesto said:

This could've been an injury, or it might be something internal, either way   

I would just keep the treatment up and monitor everything.  Not much but to wait and see at this point.

It is most def not an injury. It has become a bit worse every day. I noticed she’s got super tiny little  red dots on her body... she’s on qt now with meds... lets see how she does today 

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