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Floating plants


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Question: Do floating plants like frog bit and water lettuce require still water?

I tried both and the water lettuce melted away completely. the frog bit is still trying to hang on bit it melted away as well. Well I'd say about 98% of it. 

I do have some very small new growth on the hand full of plants left. 

I'm just wondering if anyone has successfully grown or at the top of thier water with water currents. 




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I'm not sure how long you have had your plants, but most plants will have to acclimate to new surroundings which often means a die back. As far as will they grow in water current, in my experience yes. I have grown frogbit in a 12g long with and aquaclear20 on one end, so there was current on at least half the tank. I have been trying to grow some frogbit in a tub with a sponge filter and it is struggling even though there is minimal movement on the surface. So, I don't know. Usually when I get new floating plants, I will separate them between tanks and bowls in an effort to maximize my success in case they don't work well in one of the other tanks.

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