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I have a 20gal cube that I was considering doing some (Lamprologus Ocellatus) shell dwellers in. I was looking around for something that might be a good top swimmer. I came across Cyprichromis Leptosoma Burundi that could be a possibility. Most of the information I’ve been finding seems to be kind of random with pertaining to different variations of Cyprichromis. 
Does anyone have experience with cyprichromis and know if they would be suitable for this setup? 
Also, does anyone have recommendations for other species that would work well with shell dwellers?

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For my shell dwellers, I have had good luck with fish that prefer to occupy the upper strata:

- Hatchetfish
- Killies

I have also had very good luck with rummy-nose tetras, because they move so much and are tight schoolers, the shell dwellers don't seem to get into conflicts with them much. Rummies look really good in this type of tank, too. Guests loved their activity.

I recall @Cory mentioning in livestreams a few times that Cyprichromis worked as a top-dweller for shell-dwellers in his experience.


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I have seen several shell dweller tanks with Cyprichromis in the top part of the water and it does look nice. Only problem I would say for you is that you are only doing a 20 high tank. Cyps need swimming room. the smallest tank I would do cyps in would be a 40 breeder and even then I would almost prefer a 4 four foot tank. In a 20 gallon I would go more for a tetra or killifish 

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3 hours ago, Andy's Fish Den said:

I have seen several shell dweller tanks with Cyprichromis in the top part of the water and it does look nice. Only problem I would say for you is that you are only doing a 20 high tank. Cyps need swimming room. the smallest tank I would do cyps in would be a 40 breeder and even then I would almost prefer a 4 four foot tank. In a 20 gallon I would go more for a tetra or killifish 

Yeah, that’s what I wasn’t sure about. From what I had found I’d didn’t seem like the fish themselves would be fairly compatible. Was mostly the tank size I was unsure of. 

I’ll have to check out some tetras, killifish and hatchetfish. 

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