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30 gallon community tank mystery

Kyle D

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Hello,  new to the forum here and I am at a loss. I have a 30 gallon tank that is cycled. It has been running for a little over a month and my level are: ph- 8.0 kh- 20 degrees  ammonia at 0 nitrites are at 0 and nitrates at about 25ppm. I have currently 5 mollies 5 guppies 2 ghost shrimp 2 snails and 1 pleco. I have had some other fish that unfortunately have not made it including 2 gouramis and 2 loaches. I am at a loss as to why they died. They didn't show any signs of sickness. They stated to become a little lethargic and I treated the tank for bacteria and parasites and it didn't help.I have done research and am at a loss. Not sure if anyone has any ideas that might help. I have recently got a quarantine tank and will be using it if / when I get new fish. My LPS said my ph is to high but I dont really want to mess with it for fear of causing more problems. And im.pretty sure the fish should be able to adjust. Any help will be appreciated.


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When you say rock are you talking substrate or the decorative rock around my driftwood? 

Also how would you drop ph. Should I focus on bring down the kh first so that in turn i can bring down the ph? I am currently working on bringing the ph down with a discus buffer agent from seachem adding the recomend dose every day until I see a change. So far no change yet. I'm on about day 2 of adding the discus buffer. 

Edited by Kyle D
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Thank you for the suggestion about my rock. I think you are right. Onec I got home from work I removed the rocks and tested them with my API nitrate test kid and they were bubbling indicating they are no good for my aquarium. Also noticed once I pulled them up from the substrate that the bottom of the rocks were blue. Which I believe is from dosing ich treatment to my tank and they absorbed it. 


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So I have changed a lot since last update. I think I have all the problems figured out. Not only were my decorative rocks causing problems my substrate was also. So I have redone my tank and put new substrate that is not going to alter ph in. Thank you for.the tips and the great help. Had not suggested about the rocks I wouldnt have figured it out. 


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