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Air pump recommendations?


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So I currently have 2 tanks in the basement running on hobs I had around, but since they house fry I want to change them to sponge filters. When we finish finishing the basement (hopefully spring) I'll install shelving for my tank and will eventually be running 7 or 8 tanks down there. They'll all be running sponge filters so I'm trying to find the most cost effective way to power them. A linear piston air pump seems like overkill since they usually power entire fish rooms, and while I love my nano USB air pump buying/running 8 of them doesn't seem like the best option either. Any recommendations for a pump that can power 8 sponge filters that's reliable but doesn't break the bank? 

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I have the black aquatop airpumps from aquarium co op. They sell one or 2 outlet ones and are very quiet, especially if you put them on a foam mouse pad. They also sell very quiet USB nano air pumps.

I have one Tetra whisper and it is the loudest air pump that I've ever had. It has this loud buzzing sound that is very distracting in my living room. I'm going to replace it soon and keep it as an emergency backup. 

Edited by David Ellsworth
added USB nano pump
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I have been in the hobby for a while and believed that Tetra pumps ended with ratings for up to 100g.   I have a few Tetra 60s and 100s.  

Mid 2020, I set up a mini fish room in my office.  I have four 40g breeder and a 125g stacked along the wall.  Someday I may actually grab a linear piston pump.  But as expressed above, perhaps overkill for my current setup.  

I was actually quite surprised to learn that Tetra makes air pumps for tanks rated for 150g and 300g.  I purchased the the Tetra Whisper AP300.  I am using that to run to run 9 sponges.  It seems like I can run even more, as the air flow out of all sponges is very good. 

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