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Snail Population Explosion, Can't Be Sustained?

Cast Autumn

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Hello all, 

I have a 10 gallon shrimp and snail planted tank that is doing really well. Because of this my ramshorn and some hitchhiker bladder snails have laid a lot of eggs and now there are baby snails everywhere. I remember watching a Co Op video about this where Cory talks about their population fluctuating with available food, now if that is true, then what happens if they cannot feed and all these small snails begin to die? Is this going to mess up my water parameters? Will my other snails and shrimp just scavenge the carcasses? Is this something to be worried about? Any information would be awesome! 

Edited by Cast Autumn
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Generally the rate of breeding slows down. The snails you have will mostly survive but not get as big as they could, and if some die, your shrimp will eat them. It will not likely mess up parameters unless you create a massive die off by treating your tank and wiping out the entire population at once.

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