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Does the floating plant will grow better when the sponge filter flow is in the ring or without the ring and when does floating plant start cover the top for the anubias to grow without growing algae on it and I see roots going down into the sand. Is that good that the floating plant are alive and best t not to cut the roots 



I put a different heater in there to 

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I’ve grown frogbit every which way you can imagine. Inside the ring, outside the ring, no ring, multiple rings, bubbles under, bubbles away, indoors, outdoors, roots into the substrate, trimming roots as needed, 1 gallon containers to 100 gallon tanks.  Frogbit is probably the least picky surface floater and will tolerate many different conditions, especially if it gets dense enough to block the bubbles producing water spatter in their surface.  They will often still grow even with water spatter, but they aren’t as happy and don’t look as good.  You just have to decide what YOU want and figure out what works best in your tank for your conditions.

As far as if it will prevent algae on your Anubias, that’s nearly impossible to answer with accuracy since the algae depends on soooo many different factors than just the light levels.  Increasing water flow is good for Anubias but bad for your betta.  Sometimes we have to live with some algae on slow growing plants. Or pull them out of the tank to treat them intermittently with Reverse Rspiration to remove or minimize the algae as much as possible.

You can sometimes rearrange the tank so you have the ring full of frogbit (or whatever floaters you have) specifically over top of the area you want most shaded.  Then I would do inside the ring.  Try to avoid too much water spatter on top of the frogbit, but otherwise you mostly need patience until you get enough to look the way you want. 

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