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20 long stocking ideas

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On 9/26/2024 at 5:08 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

He is wondering what are some other gouramis he could keep instead of honey gouramis

Dwarf gourami's are good. but only 1 male. They get feisty with each other. possibly 1 or more females as well. They are less aggressive than his paradise gourami, but still very colorful. A bit smaller, and usually won't bother other fish. Other options include croaking or sparkling gourami. Possibly chocolate and samurai gourami. Blues, opals, and pearls are too big. 

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On 9/26/2024 at 5:24 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

Would it just be one of those

You could try a couple as long as They're not 2 males. Possibly 2 females could work. Or a pair. Sexing them is the key. usually, I just ask my lfs to do that. Lots of color choices for these, and less aggression than the paradise ones

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On 9/26/2024 at 4:36 PM, Tony s said:

You could try a couple as long as They're not 2 males. Possibly 2 females could work. Or a pair. Sexing them is the key. usually, I just ask my lfs to do that. Lots of color choices for these, and less aggression than the paradise ones

I will have to call and ask. If I can’t find a pair locally I will look online. 

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On 9/26/2024 at 12:56 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

Well my brother changed his mind about what he wants to keep again. Now he wants to know of a good centerpiece fish that could be kept with CPDs.


Still no heater?

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On 9/30/2024 at 8:21 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

I’m not sure if he would want cherry barbs but if he does I can breed mine and give him some of the extra.

Is he looking for a schooling nano fish? Gold neon tetras are cool, basically mostly white with blue eyes. Very small. Many of the rainbow fish like Gertrude’s or fork tails are good for that. Threadfin rainbows are cool. They are on the expensive side again though. I picked up a school of black neon tetras today, they were housed with some green fire tetras that looked pretty nice as well. 

everyone has different tastes. I like my brilliant rasboras. My sister, who keeps bigger fish and tanks than I do, hates them. 

What sort of coloration or schooling behavior are we looking for? 

Keep an eye out for CPD’s at your big box stores. Sometimes petsmart and Petco will list them as galaxy rasboras for very cheap. I picked some up for $4 each about 6 months ago. Last week, they had them again but I had no need for them. 

Gold neons. Not gold at all. 


Edited by MWilk
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On 9/30/2024 at 8:38 PM, MWilk said:

What sort of coloration or schooling behavior are we looking for? 

I’m not sure I just know he wants them to be colorful.


On 9/30/2024 at 8:38 PM, MWilk said:

Keep an eye out for CPD’s at your big box stores. Sometimes petsmart and Petco will list them as galaxy rasboras for very cheap. I picked some up for $4 each

Not to long ago the closest petsmart to me had some CPDs and had a tag for them. I figured that would mean they would have them regularly but I checked about a week ago and there was no tag or CPDs, though there is a rotating community fish and it is possible that that was why they had them.

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On 9/30/2024 at 9:06 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

I’m not sure I just know he wants them to be colorful.


Not to long ago the closest petsmart to me had some CPDs and had a tag for them. I figured that would mean they would have them regularly but I checked about a week ago and there was no tag or CPDs, though there is a rotating community fish and it is possible that that was why they had them.

I killed all of my CPD’s and haven’t been able to find any cheap enough to justify trying again. I kept them in my children’s playroom fish tank at my parents’ house and my mom forgot to feed them. The cherry shrimp were happy to have the high dollar protein meal. 

does your brother have a favorite color or something to base a fish on? 

Green kubotai rasboras?

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On 9/30/2024 at 9:11 PM, MWilk said:

does your brother have a favorite color or something to base a fish on

I can ask him tomorrow.


On 9/30/2024 at 9:11 PM, MWilk said:

Green kubotai rasboras?

I brought this up as an option to him. Not sure what he thought about it.

im probably going to compile a list of fish that would work. I know if he can get CPDs cheap enough then he will probably get those.

also would a school of julii corys be a good bottom dweller?

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On 9/30/2024 at 9:20 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

what are some different tetras that would work

Really colorful? And tough? Green neons or black neons would work. Possibly ember tetras.glow light tetras. A 20 long best supports a smaller tetra in a bigger batch. Small rasboras would work as well. Kubotai would be fine. Sort of expensive still. Harlequin rasbora, or espie rasbora. Regular neons are fragile now. So you still could do those, but I’d get double the number you actually want for the tank 


On 9/30/2024 at 10:15 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

julii corys be a good bottom dweller?

A 20l is a great footprint for a decent sized school of corys. Julli, or peppered, or albino aeneus would work well. Or sterbais 

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Black neons are great. I just accclimated a school of 11 into my 55 today. 

Maybe I’m lucky, green kubotai rasboras are like 4.99 and pretty common at my LFS. it’s not 2.49 like a black neon, but stocking for a 20L is still reasonable. 

Looking for pretty fish is making my wish list get longer and longer. 

silver tip tetras

cochu’s blue tetras

Glowlight danios



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On 10/2/2024 at 9:32 AM, Mississippi fish guy said:

Here is my brother’s current stocking plan

1x samurai gourami

6-10x green fire tetras

6-10x corydoras

1x clown pleco

1-6x some sort of killifish

If the killifish would work in this stocking plan what would be some good suggestions?



Clown or Gardneri are popular choices. Clowns are adorable. 

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On 10/2/2024 at 10:32 AM, Mississippi fish guy said:

f the killifish would work in this stocking plan what would be some good suggestions?

For ideas on killifish check out dans fish. Then look at the prices. The ones with the lowest price are usually the cheapest and the hardiest. But watch for packages. a package deal would be more expensive at first glance.

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