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Help! small white protrusion on fish


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I introduced a small school of cardinals to my well established 80 gallon about a month ago (they were in quarantine 1.5 months.) Friday I noticed a very small white bubble protruding out of the side of one of the cardinals. (About the size of the head on ball point pen.) It is smooth, not fuzzy at all and is not Ich.

(It looks like its protruding from a hole in the “skin” and I almost suspected I’d see a worm push out with the way to seems to have come from the inside out.)

I quarantined the cardinal today and then noticed the same bump on head of my pearl gourami (it is just behind her eye, and I’m almost sure was not there until today). 

I’ve attached pictures of the gourami.
I did use surgical tweezers to pull at the “bubble” on the tetra thinking maybe a worm would come out but it was just white mush. (The tetra seems fine after doing that.)

I’d love an ID of what this is and treatment or what action I should take for the tetra, for my gourami and for my main display tank…I am very fond of the fish in there such as my breeding colony of Cory’s and my Congo and Brichardi Tetras which are spawning almost daily. I’m panicked that I’ve introduced something to my other fish.



80 gallon

78 degrees

0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate (heavily planted)

Ph 6.8

tds around 200

Inhabitants: panda Cory’s, otocinclus, nerite snails, shrimp, pearl gourami, brichardi tetras, Congo tetras, black mollys, cardinal tetras






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These type of spots  can be caused by a foreign body in the tissue a localised infection encapsulated nematode worms as you didn't find a parasite in the spot on the cardinal tetra that's less likely  what I would do is quarantine any fish with a white spot and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and monitor for 7 days just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do 3 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in as salt only removed though water changes @OBXfishkeeper

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Gosh, thank you for your prompt reply  @Colu!

I added salt to the quarantine/hospital tank for the tetra last night, so fingers crossed that will work. I’ll have to move the gourami today. And planning on doing an extra water change to the main display today as well.
Any advice on what treatment I might need if I start to see more pop up in my main tank? Salt isn’t an option in my main display but I have basic meds on hand (ichx, general cure, prazipro, kanaplex, metroplex, jungle fungus tabs, levamisole) trying to plan ahead in case I have to order in something I don’t have…I like to be proactive as it takes a week to get things shipped where I live.

Thank you so much again! 🙂

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On 9/18/2024 at 1:06 PM, OBXfishkeeper said:

Gosh, thank you for your prompt reply  @Colu!

I added salt to the quarantine/hospital tank for the tetra last night, so fingers crossed that will work. I’ll have to move the gourami today. And planning on doing an extra water change to the main display today as well.
Any advice on what treatment I might need if I start to see more pop up in my main tank? Salt isn’t an option in my main display but I have basic meds on hand (ichx, general cure, prazipro, kanaplex, metroplex, jungle fungus tabs, levamisole) trying to plan ahead in case I have to order in something I don’t have…I like to be proactive as it takes a week to get things shipped where I live.

Thank you so much again! 🙂

If you see more of these spots pop up it could have a bacterial component then I would treat with kanaplex if you have shrimp and snails I wouldn't use kanaplex I would use maracyn2 it's shrimp and snail safe 

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Thank you thank you! So far so good with current quarantine and salt. I’ll check back if things change/progress. Always like to go the salt route if it’s effective, I just had no idea what the spot was and wasn’t finding many helpful images that looked similar online. 
I truly appreciate you taking the time to respond and help!

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