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HELP! So I was dumb and poured about 2oz of alcohol into my new 6 gallon long tank. Currently it has a bunch of bladder snails and rams horn snails from my java moss and I also have an aquarium lily and baby java ferns, no fish. Im unsure on what to do... I was giving it a top off because water evaporates and I poured the alcohol into my tank, it was in a water bottle and I thought it was water but as soon as I saw the alcohol hit the water and start mixing and looking weird I stopped and smelled the bottle and it was alcohol. Will this kill my population of snails, small creatures and beneficial bacteria? or will it be ok? idk I am very panicked rn 

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If it was drinking alcohol…..Do a 90% water change and you should be ok. Depending on how long it was in there you may notice a bit of negative impact but it is not enough to kill the tank if you remove it. **** assuming it’s not a very small tank. Potential for algae bloom from the sugars 

Do the same 90% for rubbing alcohol impact to critters I am uncertain some BB will be impacted but most likely not enough to reset the cycle if not a very small tank. 
Both of these are only guesses because I’ve not done either. 

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On 9/14/2024 at 10:04 AM, CoryWithAKatana said:

Ye it was drinking alcohol, ill do a water change. Just curious though...hear me out... what would happen if I left it in there? im not gonna but like what would happen?

Hi, as @Guppysnail, it should be fine after the water change. Assuming the alcohol is 100 proof, 2 ounces of that in 6 gallons is less than 1%. Mortality tends to occur around 5%. And with a 90% water change, it's only 0.1% so it's no longer significant. Alcohol dramatically reduces dissolved oxygen so you may want to add an air stone for a few days to be extra safe. 

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