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Rehoming Help


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I have a 28 gallon heavily planted tank with a community of fish (~16) that I am sadly looking to rehome. I am not around enough to give them the care they need and I want to make sure they go to a good home. Their tank and plants, all their equipment and food would obviously go with them. 

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? I have heard of Aqua Swap but have never used it and I do live in Seattle near Aquarium Coop. 


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Could always hit up an LFS (like Aquarium Coop) and see if they’ll take a donation. Fish club as others have said is another option. 

I’ve given fish away online, and required a test strip or liquid test to prove their tank was an appropriate home, and that was a bit of a struggle at times, but ultimately the fish went to people I believed at least had a cycled tank to house the fish. 

Many options out there!

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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On 9/13/2024 at 8:12 PM, FaintingGoats said:

have a 28 gallon heavily planted tank with a community of fish (~16) that I am sadly looking to rehome. I am not around enough to give them the care they need

Well, sorry to hear that. It sounds like you care for your fish enough to know when they’re a bit neglected. Maybe we can offer a bit of advice to help you with managing your tank more efficiently? That way you could still enjoy having them. 

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Thanks for the heads up @Beach Cruiser!

Hi @FaintingGoats,

I understand how life can get busy and we don't have time for our hobbies, I left the hobby for 15 years but returned because I missed it.  The Greater Seattle Aquarium Society, your local aquarium club, has a FB group for Buying & Selling equipment and FREE re-homing of animals (like fish).  You do not have to be a club member to use the group page (but you do have to be a user of Facebook.  Here is the link to the page.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/GSASbuysell

If you don't belong / want to belong to FB we also have an e-mail chat called 'airstone' where you could post offering your equipment, plants, and fish.  Here is the link:

Hope this helps! -Roy


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@Seattle_Aquarist - thank you for those reasources and for your personal story! 
I was looking at GSAS’s FB and Airstone  sites today after others mentioned the local clubs. It looks like their policies want only members posting on those sites for refining (I’m specifically remembering the Airstone policy.  I can’t remember the FB one now). 
Are they very strict on that sort of thing? I’m not a member. 

Thank you so much for all your help everyone! I definitely want to make sure they go to a good, safe home. 

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Hi @FaintingGoats,

Since I am one of the admins for the FB group I can assure you that you do not have to be a Greater Seattle Aquarium Society aquarium club member to use the Buying & Selling FB group.  As for 'airstone' - I would have to seek clarification from one of the admins for that platform to verify their policy.  Hope this helps! -Roy 

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