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Hello, all.

I am hailing from Vancouver, British Columbia. We have one retailer here (April's Aquarium) who carries the Aquarium Co-Op line of products. An impressive operation with the most amazing display aquariums I have seen outside of a public aquarium.

Anyway, I have been an aquarium enthusiast since I was 15, and that's half a century now. On and off I have owned perhaps a dozen aquariums, built my own several times, from 10 to 120 gallons and had just about every sort of tropical fresh water fish at one point or another. 50 years ago, technology was still poor. Plants didn't grow well under incandescent light bulbs, and fish were prone to disease because both breeders and retailers did not practise the kind of hygene which is commonplace today. Furthermore, there was no internet, no forums, no advice outside of books and aquarium clubs. It was a costly and frustrating hobby! I stopped keeping fish for a few years, then started again, stopped again, and so on. Now that I am mostly retired I have more time to dedicate to keeping an aquarium again. I just set up a 65 gallon tank and am getting used to the "new ways" of keeping fish. Nowadays, with all the fancy LED lighting, high-quality livestock and abundance of high quality feed, fish live longer, plants grow better, and having a resource like this forum makes the hobby much more fun. 

30 years ago I went back to college for a degree as a Certified Fishculture Technician. I have spent many years in salmon hatcheries and on fish farms. The fish may be different, but their physiology, behaviour and husbandry is similar to other species. So, between all this past experience you would think I was some expert on fish. Not so. I am finding out every day that I really don't know much at all. This forum is very helpful for filling in the gaps. I am looking forward to browsing all the topics.

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Welcome to the forum @Bubbletrouble! One of the great things about our hobby is that it's impossible to know everything and you get to learn new things all the time. It can be frustrating that there are several ways to do one thing- but also neat that we can- and on top of that share these ideas and experiences with other fish keepers from all over. Everyone has knowledge to share and questions to ask, so again, welcome!

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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