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Crystal BB shrimp


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Are there any canister filters I can use on a 30 gallon breeder with shrimp and guppies that are constantly having fry? I tried to use a coarse sponge filter on my intake tube that is running on my 75 gallon and it causes it to run bad. Anyone know of a canister filter with tiny intake holes ? The sponge filter is just not cutting it. I am continually having problems with algae. 


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On 9/7/2024 at 10:18 PM, Haymond said:

shrimp and guppies that are constantly having fry

I personally would do larger water changes or less hours of light. Your shrimplets and guppy fry are contributing to the bioload. Are you using plant food?

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I currently do a 30-40 % weekly water change. I did dose with seachem firtilizer but it seemed to make things worse. I turned my lights down to 20% for two hours , 50% for two hours and then 10% for one hour. The rest of the time they were off. This seemed to negatively impact my plants but the algae was still doing fine 🤷‍♀️. I just put in a shark pro filter filled with floss. Going to let this cycle for a couple weeks; changing the filter floss weekly and see if it helps 

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