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How do you calm a hyper aggressive angelfish

Tony s

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So I’ve got a marbled angel pair. He was always very aggressive when breeding. He kept praecox rainbows pushed to the bottom. That got them banished to their own breeding tank for the safety of the rest of the animals. Turns out he’s only getting worse. Got free floating wrigglers currently. The boy has taken to ramming the glass when I come near him. With an audible thunk. Kind of like you see dovii do. He’s completely stunning, but how do I keep him from hurting himself?

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On 9/1/2024 at 5:53 AM, Colu said:

or add a mirror to other side of the tank

Yeah, I may try that. As you say, gives him something else to focus on. And I still get to watch him and his littles

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On 9/1/2024 at 11:41 AM, mynameisnobody said:

wonder if swapping the praecox out for some tiger barbs would work?

Oh, no these have been banished to their own tank. Just the 2 of them and the fry. He was too dangerous in the community 

first time he’s been going after me. But he’s injured other fish before. But really beautiful. Must be 10” tall 

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